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Welcome to Hot California Nights(Adult Freeform)

09:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tiffany Rose

Name:  Tiffany Rose

Age:   31

Gender:   Female

Sexual Orientation: Tiffany is comfortable with it all. Some would say Pansexual, others Omnisexual. It is all delightfully confusing and experiential, she's not one for absolute labels.

Career:   An e-Businesswoman; cryptocurrency, e-retail and e-business networking.


Tiffany is a little above average height at 5ft 9.5in, or 175 and change centimeters outside the good old USA. And last tripped the scales right on 57 KG, or as the US doctor recorded it,  125 lbs and 10.6I6 oz.  How odd that the world wide decimalization only applied to ounces and inches when it came to recording stats. Things get even more confusing when it comes to sizing choices for what to wear; usually claiming at least three choices - US, European, and general classifications.  Not to mention metric and imperial measurements.  Sigh! So, let's make it simple; Tiffany is slim, perhaps athletic, and just shy of hour-glass. Going with her last purchases; we get a 34-24-34 result, and that in a B cup, for those who need to pry. Now - gag - we enter into "manufacturer's" differences, so Tiffany has a shoe size that could be eight here, and 38 there; or go up and down depending on who made the damn things.

Now Tiffany's hairdresser could definitely tell you that her long black hair is entirely natural.  And at the spa, apart from head and delicately low arched eyebrows, the rest is just as natural but trimmed, or smooth, according to her tastes. Both her various fitness trainers and masseuses could confirm that she has a frim, well sculpted body. Not a hard body, but a very healthy feminine one. They could also attest to the slight bronze tone of her skin is all over, sans any tan lines.  Much like her hair, Tiffany's nails are natural; well manicured and pedicured, with the fingernails cutely sharpened.

All right sparky, "my eyes are up here"... lovely, almond shaped, piercing blue eyes. Set in one of those regal oval face shapes;  The slight elevation of cheek bones and a touch of the aquiline to the nose creates a rather noble look to her visage. Matched by the way she carries herself, elegantly square shouldered and upright. Now, should you ask her dentist, he would classify her teeth as creamy ivory, not white; but definitely even and a product of good dental hygiene.


In business, Tiffany is thoughtful, appraising, prudent and calculated.  In monkey business; versatile, gregarious, playful and meaningful. In between, Tiffany, is friendly, always has a ready smile and clearly has her wits about her. Tiffany knows what she likes and what she wants.  On the other hand, she is not prone to non-consensual imposition.  It is a "we" thing for Tiffany, not a "me" thing.


The first eighteen years of Tiffany's life could be called normal in the great scheme of things.  But what is normal? There were events, emotions, relational developments, experiments, learning... you know, growing pains that everyone has one way or another.  As far as the world might see, nothing particularly outstanding. Internally, Tiffany - like most people - turned out "OK". Thank goodness for nurture. On the nature side, one can certainly say things may have been a little beyond the pail of normalcy. And, that nature, also had its slowly manifesting effect.

Tiffany entered adult life just as clueless as everyone else. And probably just as absolutely sure that she clued in to what it was all about.  You know, that whole youthful Dunning-Kruger effect - way over on the left hand end of the graph. She was bright, precocious, educated, imaginative, and keen to make her way in the world. Then came the University years. Gag! Being an adult wasn't all it is cracked up to be.  Nonetheless, here it was; adulthood.  Nurture and nature combined; the result being that Tiffany survived the attrition of the Freshman year. No silver spoon per se. A lightly silver-plated one from her parents, coupled with a bucket-load of grants she had qualified for, played their role. However, keeping her eyes on the prize was the key to Tiffany's success.

Exactly what that "prize" was took until the end of her Sophomore year to get to grips with. Or, at least, as far as an aptitude for a career might me concerned.  On the social and playful side, things were a little slower to come to any kind of fruition. However, the former, educational side of things, would eventually lead to plenty of time to explore the latter. And, as it turned out, the two could enjoin with each other very nicely indeed. Although, to be fair - like many things in life - what made it work was the will to make it so.

By the end of Tiffany's junior year, her major in Economics had already started to pay off.  Earning an MBA and a minor in accountancy almost en passant. She had certainly the aptitude for them.  However, there was a dynamic in play that may be more founded in a social sense. You see, her personal explorations led to a couple of encounters with certain faculty members who enjoyed similar extracurricular pursuits. One would need either; membership in that society, or a personal introduction to know more. Suffice it to say, it is not the usual "mean girls" club of student life.

Between networking academe and social sides, Tiffany was very clear about where she might be heading by the end of her senior year. And the shift to the right on the Dunning-Kruger graph now placed her well within the realm of confidence supported by knowledge. And, as weird as part of herself was, Tiffany's head was screwed on well.  Understanding that the more she learned, the less she knew.  Conversely, she had the wisdom to know that knowledge was power and that power as something she enjoyed exchanging. Thus she passed both with honors.

Tiffany's post graduate studies led to a broadening of her networking world; both in business and personally. And, even by the end of her Doctoral thesis, Tiffany knew this would be a lifelong pursuit. All in all she was happy with the fruits of her learning endeavors. And, had every intention of keeping it that way.  The mistakes and errors along the way had played an important role in Tiffany's maturation into more fully fledged adulthood.

The small acorns of who she was had been planted long ago.  But Tiffany was careful to be mindful that some of those acorns may be more of a retroactive "memory" seen through the eyes of an adult. However there was no denying, that by her Junior year, she knew an acorn when she saw it. With careful attention, those acorns had thrived; social and academic networking had developed into solid personal and business oaks.

Tiffany had been lucky - and quick - to be in on the cryptocurrency world, adjunct with fulfilling the demand and supply of niche e-retail markets. The years of study and development were paying off.  In a multi-billion dollar industry, Tiffany was statistically very small potatoes. In caparison, statically, in the morass of humanity she was way above the norm.

Now at age 31; a couple of hours per day, maybe a few more per week, left Tiffany a lot of time to enjoy and pursue anything she chose to do.  And, from her perspective, retirement was already a no-brainer - golden nest-eggs and all that. Tiffany didn't work because she had to, only because she enjoyed it. Now, highly educated and single, Tiffany is giving thoughts to whom she might share any future with.

Sexual Likes: If it floats your boat, it will probably float Tiffany's.   Has interests ranging from a passionately perverted, delightfully deviant, Smörgåsbord; to a just as passionate, delightful, bowl of vanilla. What matters is mutual satisfaction.

Sexual Dislikes: In the great book on the taxonomy of listed paraphilias, there are quite a few red lines in Tiffany's copy. You can find a shorter list in game places like RPoL.  These are hard and fast no-no's for Tiffany.  Short lists, like those on RPOL, "don't even think of thinking of going there". In the matter of her own expanded list of "not happening", she'll let you know.