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Welcome to A Study in Black

23:51, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sakura Kawaguchi

Time Zone: (CST) Central Standard Time (-6 hours)
Expected Posting Times: 2x weekly, afternoons / evenings


Name: KAWAGUCHI, Sakura
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Place of Birth: Hiroshima, Japan
Blood Type: O-
Undertaking: Student
Studying: Occult Studies & Dance
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Theme Tune: Hearts Without Chains - Ellie Goulding (


Height: 163 cm (5’4”)
Weight: 52 kg (115 lbs)
Eyes: Light Brown
Hair: Black

In many ways, Sakura's characteristics are those of a generalized Japanese woman; distinguished by a yellowish skin, straight black hair, broadish prominent cheek-bones, and more or less obliquely set eyes.  But to say Sakura looks like every other Japanese woman is not particularly flattering.  She is oval-faced, slenderly built, has a charming voice, pretty manners and a quietness of demeanour.  By most accounts, Sakura is considered to be delicate and appealing; then too, ideals of beauty differ from land to land.


The Outer Self
Sakura is polite, focused, hard-working, punctual, shy and formal.  She is from a socially conservative society, with relatively pronounced gender roles, but the stereotypes which paint the women in Japan as 'submissive' and devoid of any self-determination are inaccurate.

The Inner Self
Sentimental rather than passionate, with a turn for neatness and elegance of expression, Sakura has a way with words and prefers to channel her feelings through writing.  She is also superstitious, childish, gullible and overly apologetic.  Sakura believes herself to be highly empathic, convinced that she feels more than others. However, there is no standardized range for human empathy, so it is difficult to test these anecdotes empirically.  What some identify as empathy may just be hypersensitivity.  Either way, she experiences unfamiliar and often powerful emotions.  Her mind is bursting with passion and conflict, which she has never been able to express.

List their desires and hope
-She wants to continue dancing ballet, but her father sees it as too western and the touching and clothing to be entirely inappropriate.

List their fears and dislikes
-Her worst fear is that she has been cursed; it will plunder her mind and destroy her life.
-that the world will never see the 'real' her; that she will live in the shadow of her family and heritage.
-terrified of earthquakes; has developed a foreboding feeling that her death will be due to an earthquake. 

-Speaks Japanese, English and Korean (South)
-Japanese calligraphy also called shūji 
-CAD software - One of the many stipulations her father leveraged against Sakura's continued 'indulgence with performance art' was that she learn to accurately work with multiple suites of CAD software.
-Pianist - She received lessons from the time she was 4 years old until 18ish. She's not a professional, but she's quite good.
-Dance (Ballet) - She attended classes 3 times weekly and had a relatively private space for practice at home.
-Cooking - She was required to prepare the family meals 4 times each week.

-Loses her nerve when faced with interpersonal confrontation to such an extent that she maintains friendships with people whom she doesn’t even like.
-Cannnot swim; she has tried and others have tried to teach her, but she cannot handle the sensation of floating or weightlessness.


Sakura’s father (KAWAGUCHI, Kaito) is an architect with his own construction company, specializing in large scale projects like dams and skyscrapers.  And he is a forceful presence in her life.  There were many rifts developed between father and daughter; rifts started from a young age and only deepened with time.  In Sakura's mind, her father became a monster, and in the flesh, Kaito's actions shore this  stigma.  She wanted to pursue a career in dance or music.  Kaito wanted his daughter to put aside performance arts, which he may have valued, but only as delivered by others for his amusement.  He found them to be beneath his daughter; a nonsensical and inappropriate application of her time and energy.  He wanted her suitably educated, but only so far as it allowed her to be a respectable agent of the company and conventional member of the family.  Sakura found her father’s view on things to be particularly insular, prohibitive and immutably disagreeable.  They clashed constantly and her father was not the sort to relent peacefully.  When he reluctantly agreed to let her attend University of Japan or Todai, as the university is known in Japan, she arrived at orientation with two black eyes courtesy of her father’s peaceful relent.  Even so, Sakura considered it no small victory as her father had also agreed to pay for student housing accomodations.  For the first time in her life she would not live under his roof.  And she would not be forced to share a residence with her brother, who was a monster in his own right.

An incident in her first year...
...Her father stopped paying tuition, threatened to disown her, and Sakura ended up on the run hotfooted from unpleasant men her father sent to drag her home.

Some say this is an era when children ignore their parents and forget about the dead, but Sakura can do neither.