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Welcome to Crawl Out Through the Fallout 2

12:36, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Stranger

Standing just a hair under 5'8" tall, The Stranger is not physically imposing. His dark brown hair is tangled and matted in places and the stubble on his face is patchy and uneven looking like he had tried to shave, failed to do a good job of it without the aid of a mirror, and just kind of gave up and let it grow. His bright blue eyes hint at glint with curiosity and intelligence, but his gaze is heavy and tired, looking a little sunken with heavy bags showing he hasn't slept well in a while.

He looks like he might have had a reasonably athletic build at one point but he has leaned down considerably from an extended period of malnutrition, making him look a bit gaunt. There is a sizable scar on the right side of his temple, mostly hidden by his hair or beneath the billed military cap he usually wears.

While looking a bit threadbare in places, a trained eye would recognize the clothes he wears as standard issue fare for a Brotherhood Scribe. A red sweater under a bulky-looking tactical vest and a faded pair of brown pants tucked into heavy combat boots. A slightly faded patch has been sewn into the vest that does at least identify he's from the Midwestern branch of the Brotherhood of Steel. Beyond that there aren't any clear identifying markers on him.