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Welcome to Masks: Super Teen Team!

08:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Peter's parents divorced when he was too young to form solid memories.  He ended up with his father, which speaks to the degree to which his mother was falling apart.  However, the elder Hannigan was not particularly well-suited to parenthood, let alone single parenthood.  He was distant and curt with his son, feeling that if he had provided a roof, a bed, and a dinner, he had performed his full duty.  Pete's general aimlessness only grew more pronounced as he entered his teen years.  He took to skipping school more or less at whim, idling his days away cadging cigarettes from strangers and skating directionlessly around downtown Natick, just outside Boston.  Pete was more surprised than anyone else when he manifested a portal to an unknown realm.

Peter has a strong but inchoate connection to something he calls "Someplace," describing it as "where things go when they get lost."  He has an affinity for finding missing objects, either by chance or intuition, and can manifest small objects from his pockets sort-of at-will.  These are generally things that appear to have been lost from elsewhere: loose change, old keys, stray cigarettes.  Occasionally his pockets contain things that he himself was not looking for or aware he needed. With practice and focused effort (an unlikely pairing from Pete), he may be able to refine this skill into direct and targeted portals, perhaps something akin to teleportation, or summoning or banishing larger or more significant items, people, or concepts to or from Someplace.  The nature of this other dimension is uncertain and difficult to study, since by definition it is impossible to find on purpose.  (Except for Peter Pockets.)


Danger   +0
Freak    +1
Savior   -1
Superior +2
Mundane  +1



- Gadgetry and hacking (redefined as pulling appropriate lost objects from his pockets)
- Teleportation (currently limited to small unattended items)

Criminal Mind
When Assessing a situation, even on a miss ask one of:
- What is useful or valuable to me?
- How can I best provoke or infuriate a target?
- What is the best way in or past?

Are You Watching Closely?
When you mislead, distract, or trick someone, roll +Superior.  On a hit, they are fooled.  Miss: Mark a condition.  10+ choose two, 7-9 choose one:
- You get an opportunity
- You expose a weakness or flaw
- You confuse them for some time
- You avoid further entanglement

Team Moves:
Share a Triumphant Celebration
Ask the other if they think you're cool.  If they're a teammate, add a Team to the pool.  If they say yes, each take Influence over each other.  If they say no, take a condition or spurn them.

Share a vulnerability
Give that person Influence and ask who they want you to be.  If they're a teammate, add a Team to the pool.  Mark Potential if you then show them that person.

Moment of Truth:
Stop joking and show them who you really are.

I keep trying to impress NAME with my antics.
NAME and I pulled off an awesome stunt together.

(One each to three teammates)


Backstory Questions
How did you get your powers?
Dunno. Found 'em, I guess.  Maybe they were lost?

What do you do for fun?
There isn't a lot to do in Halcyon City that isn't boring or stupid or both.  I like to skateboard sometimes, maybe play video games.  Want a ciggie?  I got plenty.

Who outside of the team thinks better of you than you do?
There's this old guy who keeps trying to give me pep talks and shit.  He pushes around an old cart, like selling tchotchkes and shit?  Except he shows up in a lot of weird places.  I think he might be a wizard?  He keeps saying I'm important and have a place to be and stuff, but mostly I just buy cool lighters from him.

Why do you try to be a hero?
Can't be worse at it then the ones we have, right?

Why do you care about the team?
Aw, man, these kids would be completely lost without me.  Get it?  Lost!?  Get it!?  I'm fucking hilarious.