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Welcome to Masks: Halcyon City

08:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kid Midnight

PlaybookThe Doomed
Hero NameKid Midnight
Real Name (if different)Chloe Wilson
LookBy day, Chloe is a petite, pale, sickly-looking young caucasian woman with dyed black hair (usually worn in a single long braid) and haunted eyes perpetually hidden behind stylish sunglasses. Her clothes are unassuming, a collection of dark cargo pants and well-worn t-shirts for obscure punk bands, and an omnipresent dark grey hoodie, to minimize the amout of skin exposed to the air. After dark, as Kid Midnight, Chloe looks better, healthier, and more confident, with a hero costume consisting of an old black trench coat and a neck gaiter pulled up to obscure her face (and make it that much harder to get the fangs out, just in case).

AbilitiesSuperhuman strength and speed, vitality absorption, memory manipulation
Moment of TruthThe prickly tingling fear of your doom, always in your head—it holds you back most of the time. But right here, right now? It gives you the confidence to do anything. After all, what’s the worst that could happen? Is it worse than your doom? Do impossible things. Do anything. But mark a doomsign after you’re finished.
Team MovesWhen you share a triumphant celebration with someone, give them Influence over you and spend 1 Team from the pool to clear one box on your doom track. When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, give them Influence over you and ask if they honestly think there’s hope for you. If they say yes, mark potential or clear one box of your doom track. If they say no, mark a condition or mark your doom track.



Other Moves
Nemesis: Chloe's Nemesis is Laszlo Vukodlak, an ancient, bloodthirsty vampire warlord. At the end of every session, answer the question: Did you make progress on defeating your nemesis? If the answer is yes, mark potential. If the answer is no, mark your doom track.
Doom: Chloe is doomed: eventually the hunger for blood that comes with her status as a damned, undead thing will win out over her base humanity and she won't be able to stop herself from becoming a complete monster. Chloe's Doom is brought closer by overexerting herself and injuring the innocent. When Chloe brings her doom closer, she marks one box on the Doom Track.
Sanctuary: Chloe uses the remains of The Crypt as a sanctuary; it's where Laszlo's crew was hiding before they got rousted, they left a lot of tomes of vampiric lore behind, and the police tape and the padlock on the front doors is usually enough to keep curious onlookers out. The Crypt is equipped with a library of valuable tomes; art, music, and food; and locks and traps. Downsides are that its location is known to many, and it is tied intricately with Chloe's doom.

Doom Track

Dark Visions: Mark your doom track to have a vision about the situation at hand. After the vision, ask the GM a question; they will answer it honestly.


 Afraid (-2 to directly engage a threat)
 Angry (-2 to comfort or support or pierce the mask)
 Guilty (-2 to provoke someone or assess the situation)
XHopeless (-2 to unleash your powers)
 Insecure (-2 to defend someone or reject others’ influence)

When our team first came together, we paid a high price for victory. What was it? 
When did you first learn of your doom?I was sixteen, and I'd fallen in with what my mom called a "bad crowd." Snuck out of the house one night, went to The Crypt with about a half dozen of my friends from school. Started out as a great night for a party, but it ended with being tied up in a basement, with these creepy guys sacrificing us one by one to some kinda blood god or something. I don't remember much, I was last on the list, it was almost too late, I was already turned into... y'know... one of them, but then the explosions started and next thing I know, Doctor Djinn, Mistress of Mysticism or something like that, is explaining all about my new "health condition," while her crew picks over the rubble to make sure they didn't miss a vampire or something in all the excitement.
Where did you get your sanctuary?The Crypt closed up  for good a couple weeks later; no one knew who the owners were, they just put a padlock on the front door one day and left the place to rot. I guess the insurance didn't cover the gaping hole Doctor Djinn and her crew had left in the roof? Anyway, the police never seemed interested in more than putting a little police tape around the place, and that's enough to keep most other people away, so I started hanging out in the basement. Yes, it was crazy, yes, I had almost died there, and God, yes, you can still smell the blood if you really try, but what else am I supposed to do? Where else can I just be alone to think through all of this? I still share a room with my kid sister, for crying out loud, I needed my own space, and The Crypt seemed... appropriate.
Why do you oppose your nemesis?Aside from being responsible for... y'know... all of this? *gestures wildly around* He's a psychotic, bloodthirsty barbarian monster from a bygone era. World's going to be a whole lot better with one less of him.
Who, outside of the team, is crucial to defeating your nemesis?Doctor Djinn has been a sort of mystical adventurer since before I was born. Protecting the innocent, guarding the world against extradimensional threats, all that sort of thing. Traffics with all sorts of weird beings: genies, demons, werewolves... vampires. No one knows as much about them as she does.
Why does the team matter to you?These are the only people who understand, who can understand, what's happening with me. And most of my friends got sacrificed to some kind of blood god when I was sixteen anyway, so I'm kind of unpopular at school these days. They think I'm cursed.

You told _______________ all about your doom and the danger you’re in.
You’d love to kiss ________________ before your doom comes.

These people matter for what you need to do. Give Influence to two of your teammates.