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Welcome to Masks: Halcyon City

09:01, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Radiance

PlaybookThe Legacy
Hero NameThe Radiance
Real Name (if different)Lucy Gilbert
Lookwoman; white; comfortable clothing; unique [but 'traditional' for the Light] costume; simple symbol insignia (a ring of light on a dark background)

AbilitiesShadow Control; Shadow Portals; Shadow Senses
Moment of TruthThis is the moment when you prove how much the mantle belongs to you. You seize control of all your powers, and you defeat even impossible odds to prove you are worthy of the name you carry. You accomplish feats even your predecessors couldn’t do. Of course, after you prove something like that, you can expect still more responsibilities to be placed on your shoulders...
Team Moves(1) When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, tell them whether you see them as an equal. If you do, give them Influence over you and mark potential. If you don’t, shift Superior up and any other Label down. (2) When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, tell them a secret about your legacy (including your own true feelings about it) to clear a condition and give them Influence over you.



Other Moves


 Afraid (-2 to directly engage a threat)
 Angry (-2 to comfort or support or pierce the mask)
 Guilty (-2 to provoke someone or assess the situation)
 Hopeless (-2 to unleash your powers)
 Insecure (-2 to defend someone or reject others’ influence)

 Legacy Moves
I know what I am:Once per scene, when you defend a teammate you can shift Savior up and another Label down in addition to any other benefits from the move, even on a miss. If you do, add 1 Team to the pool.
Fight the good fight:When you pull your punches while directly engaging a threat, you can roll + Savior instead of + Danger. If you do, you cannot choose to impress, surprise, or frighten your foe
Your legacy is an important part of Halcyon City.Name the different members of your legacy (at least two):
 Chiaroscuro, Lady Luminous, and The Glory are still active and prominent in the city.
 The Shining (Dark Hand) is retired and quite judgmental.
 Arthur Austen is the next possible member of your legacy.
 Endgame is the greatest opponent your legacy ever faced...and is still at large.

Other Abilities

When did you officially become a part of your legacy?Okay, look. I’ve been kidnapped… a lot. I mean, technically the first time I was in mortal peril was when my mom went into labor with me, right? While she was fighting Endgame’s lieutenant, Grim Legion, being a total badass? But you know that story. Everybody does. Heh! Not only did I give her diabetes but Grim Legion almost got away because of me. Or she caught him because of me. Depends on who you ask. Dad says I was so eager to join the fight, his shining hero, but… okay, I’m getting way off track here. You don’t want to hear the super cool story of how I was born OR the super gross story of how I was conceived. Yeah, I know that story. It's great.
 You want to hear the super cool story totally awesome story of how I officially became a part of my legacy.
 So. I’ve been kidnapped. A lot. Yeah, we totally have our secret identities but when you’ve been around the heroic block for as long as my family has, sometimes old enemies figure things out. They're not all dumb in spite of their questionable life choices. Anyway, King Hush snatched me and some other students on a trip to city hall (of course) (including the Mayor’s kid) (also of course). He had us all tied up in this nasty lair attached to this Doomsday Machine thing. Enter heroic team of heroes! Yay. My uncle was part of that team. While they were engaging King Hush, he was sneaking kidnapped kids to safety and making me laugh, like he always did. Does.
 But then everything started going wrong and the Doomsday Machine clicked on and suddenly he was fighting too and usually when he gets slammed into the ground like that he just changes places with his shadow and his shadow goes for the bad guy's eyes and-- but this time that didn't happen. It was bad. He was really hurt and they kept hurting him and the mayor's kid got knocked out and Daydream tried to but he couldn't get away they kept getting him and the stupid platform we were on was tipping and the machine was clicking and they GOT him and ...
 It's weird. My shadow pulled me into what I just call the Place, but it has another name. It's old. Before-light-and-dark old. My uncle was there and when he saw me he sighed. I think about that sigh kind of a lot. He said, "I guess it's your time now, kiddo." I remember being like, "What do you mean?" or "Huh?" or something stupid like that. He said, "I thought we were going to have more time before we threw you into it, but I have to go away, and you--your name is trying to light up. Feel it?" I was more focused on the whole 'go away' thing, but he tapped me over my heart and said, "You're luminous, kiddo. It's your time. Your mom's not going to like it but my sister doesn't like anything and you're here, so too bad." Then he told me what to do.
 He also told me to watch out for my adopted cousin in a way that told me he didn't figure he'd be able to do the watching anymore, which I didn't like.
 Long story shortish, okay fine still long but shorter than it could be, legacy means a lot of history, okay? I used my powers like I'd never been able to use them before. I mean, before I just kind of... mostly did little things. Goofing off, you know? Anyway, right, I said long story shortish, haha. So I slipped out of the Place, got the platform stabilized courtesy of some wicked shadow tendrils and I snuck into my uncle's shadow and... uh, let's say I 'provided a distraction' so that his team could rally and finish the job, okay? Which is what happened.
 My uncle was in a coma for, like, a week. He woke up once but he wasn't good to be discharged. Then he disappeared. But mom and dad and, heh, I mean we're not all blood relations, you know. Anyway. They. The others. They figured it was time to step up my training because I'd proven something. And here I am, I guess. I think more than even Light Trick disappearing, the Abyssal Ring I came back with from The Place made my family decide I was ready. It's sort of a mark. I really hate that Dylan Thomas poem. Can we pause? I'm really hungry.
What’s the greatest accomplishment of your legacy?Oh man. The greatest? There was that time they convinced Cerberus to turn hero and totally wrecked the Cimmerian Doom Force. That was pretty huge, considering what the Cimmerian Doom Force was going to do to Earth…  which… is not all… on the public record. But it was pretty bad. It’s in the name, right? ‘Doom.’ The greatest? Um, maybe greater than the Cerberus thing… Before I was born… But remember when Despair unleashed the Harrowing and burned out all those stars? Well, they stopped Despair permanently and locked him away… while also brokering peace between Earth and those nice aliens. That was pretty great, right? It sounds great when I’m learning about the family history. But I guess if I was really going to choose one thing, I think I’d say… um… the greatest accomplishment of my legacy is any time somebody is inspired to think their way out of a problem and stand up because they know we’ve got their backs. Yeah. That. That is my answer. Don't be afraid of the dark, sometimes it has nice things in it, like stars and stuff. And us! We're here for you.
How does the public perceive your legacy?With awe, as do-gooding saviors. Which we are. I think the public sees us as an honorable--if somewhat Mysterious--collective, dedicated to Truth, Justice, and Saving the World, especially from extradimensional threats. We’re cleverer and can be more subtle than some of those other heavyhitters, we get called in for the REALLY hard stuff. We've got our ways. And I, personally, am totally amped to be the next paragon! It’s definitely not too much to live up to. At all. Next question please?
How does your legacy tie into your reasons for being a hero?Reasons for being a hero? I don’t understa… I mean… Look. I’ve got these powers. Even if I didn’t have ‘em, do you know how awful it is to have bad things happen to you and be unable to do anything about it? To be unsure that anybody's coming for you? Do you know how many terrible things are scheming all the time to do terrible things? It sucks. I don’t understand why anybody chooses not to be a hero. But my legacy… I guess it’s a calling. And they need help, too. Besides, it’s my turn now! Yeah! I’m going to be the best.
Why do you care about the team?Duh. Because they’re my friends and they’re all pretty badass and cool and I want them to like me and, anyway… I want to help them. They’re all trying to do their part. Also because… working with them is different. It’s not like—it’s just different, okay?
When our team first came together...All things considered, we did well and impressed an established hero. Who was it?

You once got caught doing something that shames your legacy with Daemon.
You trust Kid Midnight and told them an important secret of your legacy

InfluenceThey HaveThe Radiance Has
Kid Midnightxx
NPCsThey HaveThe Radiance Has
Jaleel James x