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Welcome to Masks: Halcyon City

09:01, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


PlaybookThe Delinquent
Hero NameDaemon
Real Name (if different)Michael Arron Black
LookMan; White; Laughing Eyes; No Costume; Ragged Clothing

AbilitiesGadgets and Hacking; Illusions
Moment of TruthFlaunt the rules. Break them. When push comes to shove, in the moment that it really matters, you show them what it means to do the right thing, and ignore whatever restrictions, boundaries, orders, or rules they throw in your way. Of course, those rules were in place for a reasonÂ…
Team MovesWhen you share a triumphant celebration with someone, ask them if they think you're cool. If they say yes, give them Influence and take Influence over them. If they say no, mark a condition or spurn them immediately. Either way, add a team to the pool. When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, give them influence over you, and ask them who they'd like you to be. Mark potential if you show them that person. Add a team to the pool no matter what.



Other Moves


 Afraid (-2 to directly engage a threat)
 Angry (-2 to comfort or support or pierce the mask)
 Guilty (-2 to provoke someone or assess the situation)
 Hopeless (-2 to unleash your powers)
xInsecure (-2 to defend someone or reject othersÂ’ influence)

- How did you get your powers? Funny Story.  I was in the wrong side of town - totally innocent mind you - just looking to score some computer parts that may have *coughfallenoffatruckcough*  Anyway, long story I see these guys unloading this strange van into this warehouse and it's all super sketchy.  So, as any law abiding citizen would, I decided to check it out and it's clear this is all wrong.  Like this stuff is stolen, or this warehouse is a place for some villain to stash his goodies.  It all looked super cool- uh, I mean it occurred to me that, whatever the case, they probably shouldn't have it and a good citizen would take the initiative and relieve them of it.  Which I did.  Now before you go making accusations I had every intention of turning it over to the proper authorities!  Honestly!  Except, when I cracked open that fancy looking suitcase there were these cool goggles, gloves, and stuff in there and I thought; hey! I earned a try on!  Just to see what all the fuss is about mind you.  Sadly, I didn't realize it was on factory default setting so once I had donned it all and booted it up I heard things like confirming retinal patterns, and initiating dermal sequencing aaaaand apparently the entire thing is keyed to me now as owner.  Oops?
- What do you do for fun? Two Words: Victory. Burgers.  Honestly, what is the point of laying a humiliating beat down on some tryhard edgelord if you can then swing by Smash Burger for a full on Super Slam meal with all the toppings.  Especially Bacon.  God help them if they forget the bacon.  Bonus?  You have breakfast for the next morning.  Seriously those things are the size of your head.  I can get like, half, down in one sitting.  I mean, what else am I going to do with my time? Phish socially destructive corporations, access their corporate emails, and leak embarrassing shite they do to the media?  That borders on illegal my friends.  I would never do that...
- Who, outside the team, thinks better of you than you do?  I mean there's my Dad, but let's be honest; he runs a weekly, illegal poker game out of the back of the bar he owns.  And by "he" I mean mom, because he's got a record and can't keep a liquor license under his own name.  So, I mean, there's probably some judgement issues there.
- Why do you try to be a hero?  Because I'm awesome? I mean, sure I'm a bit of a prick now and then; but I'm not a full on dick- so I really couldn't go moustache twirling villain on everyone right?  Oooh. Look how badass I am, I steal candies from babies and pick on people who can't fight back...oooh I'm sooo hardcore....  Honestly, that's just the sign of some sad little edgelord whose mommy didn't hug them enough.
- Why do you care about the team?  Because they're nearly as awesome as I am?  I Kid, I kid.  Mostly.  I mean, they are pretty cool.  Plus they'd all be lost without me.  Just don't tell them I said that.  It's not bad or anything.  Some of them just need someone like me to give them a pick-me-up from time to time; others need me to help remove that rod they've got inserted up... you know what?  Don't tell them I said that either.
When our team first came together... 

You keep trying to impress The Radiance with your antics.
You and Kid Midnight pulled an awesome (if illegal) stunt together.

InfluenceThey HaveYou Have
Aquarius x
Kid Midnightx 
The Radiancexx

Criminal MindWhen you assess the situation, you can always ask one of the following questions, even on a miss; What here is useful or valuable to me?; How could I best infuriate or provoke _ _ _ _ _ _ _?; What's the best way in/way past?
Are you watching closely?When you mislead, distract, or trick someone, roll + Superior. On a hit, they are fooled, at least for a moment. On a 10+, choose 3. On a 7- 9, choose 2. *You get an opportunity. *You expose a weakness or flaw.  *You confuse them for some time.  *You avoid further entanglement. On a miss, you're hopelessly embroiled in it and under pressure; mark a condition.
Mary ContraryWhen someone tries to pierce your mask, comfort or support you, or provoke you, you can interfere. Roll + Superior. On a hit, they take a -2 on their roll. On a 10+, take Influence over them or clear a condition. On a 7- 9, you expose yourself to retribution, cost, or judgment. On a miss, they get a 10+ no matter what they rolled and you mark a condition, their choice.

Other Abilities