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Welcome to Newcastle Island

17:48, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tamsin Deadskull

Name: Tamsin Deadskull

Occupation: Gardener

Actual Age/Apparent Age: No one knows, and she will never tell

Gender: Female

Race/Species: Bog witch

Appearance: Grizzled ancient woman with tendrils of messy gray hair surrounding her face. She often wears a headband to help keep it out of her face, woven together by pieces of thin strips of water grass. Tamsin walks hunched over from years of carrying a large basket on her back, stuffed full of supplies collected around her home, as well as wares sold at the Farmer’s Market. Her clothing seems handmade from rough fabric that might have been hand woven, or possibly scraps found and cared for carefully to make them last far longer than they should. Her apron holds many various colored patches, pieced together so many times that it might be more patch than original material. The stick she carries serves many purposes, from walking stick to broom to defense.

Personality: While she may look like the definition of a bog witch that might possibly curse you just by looking at her. The skull tied to the end of her walking stick, complete with feathers collected and tied around it, doesn’t help the image any. However, she is known for the best produce on the Island. Her wares are often much greener and hold their ripeness for much longer than others. As long as you’re able to ignore Willamina, or rather avoid wronging her, and get past the very witchy appearance, Tamsin could possibly be the sweetest grandmother anyone ever had.

Abilities/Skills: For being mostly blind, the woman has an impeccable sense of the world around her, and can find her way around with little help other than her walking stick. She knows exactly who is around her, and what is going on, though possibly from many untold years spent on the Island, or...something more.

Other Information:

Willamina: Anywhere she goes, Tamsin can be found with a chicken following her around. From foraging in the Reserve to working in her garden to the Farmer’s Market, Willamina is everywhere Tamsin is found. Tamsin will tell you she is the sweetest creature in the world, loving and sweet, and speak to the chicken as if it is her closest friend. Which, she probably is.

Willamina, however, has a much different look than the mostly blind woman knows. And personality. Willamina is convinced she might have been the biggest baddest thing around for years on end...and might be right.

With feathers sticking out from...everywhere...Willamina looks far more tough than any chicken has right. She will throw down over just about anything, and has zero concern for what you want. Tamsin’s “sweet and lovable chicken” is just as likely to fight you to the death over the half eaten potato chip in your hand as she is for trying to steal wares from Tamsin’s booth, for no other reason than she decided she wanted the chip. Now.

One does not simply overlook a chicken with a passion for death in her eyes.