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13:23, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jurix Naza

Name: Jurix Naza

Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade

Position: Helmsman, U.S.S. Kitty Hawk

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Species: Trill-Vulcan Hybrid (Joined)

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Brown

Physical Description:

Jurix hovers just shy of 6 feet tall, with a toned physique due to several athletic hobbies. Dark spots standard to Trill run down from his forehead down the sides of his face, neck, and all the way down his body to his toes. His face tends to seem calm and somber when he is not focused on a task, however when he is taking on something challenging or stressful (whether a difficult flying maneuver, facing down a strong opponent, etc) he takes on a wide wild grin and a sparkle in his eyes. As with all Trill he has a marsupial pouch which is not only used to incubate offspring, as well as used for the joining, but as a conduit for medications to be administered more quickly.


Jurix has a calm nonchalant Vulcan base demeanor, seemingly baize about what goes on around him until something peeks his interest. When he is discussing a passion or learning something that captivates his interest he gets excited, and when his passions are heightened further he can talk near endlessly. He tends to love adrenaline-pumping action, even the more dangerous kind.


Jurix was born to a female Trill mother and a Vulcan father, his father a scientist and doctor who wanted to study the Trill and the Symbiotes in greater detail as well as assisting them at advancing the Joining in certain ways. He eventually found adjustments to treatments prior to the joining, as well as additional supplements drugs and other scientific factors could be made in order to increase the efficacy of the Joining, though it seemed to not effect full blooded Trill. Jurix was the first test the viability of his father's methods, which helped the young half-Trill earn the chance to undertake the Joining.

Jurix's studies outside of the basic education came in the form of piloting, sports, and several musical instruments. Throughout his childhood and young adult life Jurix loved games and activities that got his blood pumping. He learned as he grew older that the more dangerous the better, joining several high octane piloting races which had the potential for burning crashes and explosions. Even when he in fact crashed and set his vehicle on fire Jurix exited it with a large crazed grin on his face and laughter in his voice.

After he underwent the Joining he applied for the Federation Academy and got accepted, making it through with top marks in a few areas and with only a few bad marks on his record due to some 'accidents' during pilot training where he 'attempted maneuvers unnecessary for the situation at hand.'

Anything else we should know about your character? Due to being half-human, his joining was more stressful however with his father's scientific findings he pretty much had a normal Joining, which helped to prove that his father correct. He actually was on life support for the first week, but managed to pull through even though he had a longer recovery period than most full blooded Trills. He is also the Naza symbiote's 4th host and the first male host for Naza as well. Also with his Vulcan genetics, there is a concern that if he enters the Pon Farr that Naza would have more control over him and thus the personalities of the previous three hosts could emerge.

Naza's Previous Hosts, in Order
All previous hosts were female Trill

Torura: Contemplative, curious, an even tempered. Very non-violent in mentality and preached peace and unity among people and to talk our differences in opinions without aggression. Became decently known artist and musician. Died of old age having had two children.

Aydee: Was brash, boisterous, courageous, and sometimes reckless. She enjoyed her rec time, and was fascinated to the point of obsession with learning all sorts of hand to hand combat techniques. Served Starfleet as a security officer, killed in action after saving a superior officer from the sting of a large alien insect. After being stung several times, and the safety of both host and symbiote in danger, she sacrificed her own life to save the life of Naza.

Kezi: Promising Philosopher, Scholar, and pilot. Tragically died due to complications of a crash on the race track.