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Welcome to The World of Greyhawk

14:38, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Vanorin
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 105 lbs
Age: 180
Hair: long & golden
Eyes: amber
Complexion: fair
Birthplace/Nationality: Duchy of Ulek
Birth Date: 12th Day (2nd Waterday) of Fireseek

Description:  Tall and unusually muscular for an elf, with long golden hair and amber eyes, Vanorin gives nothing away with his expression, but will speak politely if addressed. On occasion he can find humans (and other races) hard to fathom, and has perhaps spent too little time outside of elven realms.


Vanorin hails from the village of Dariax, near Tringlee in the Duchy of Ulek. His family business is boat building on the Kewl River, and being a small community serving in the village militia is a matter of duty. Despite these humble beginnings and given his clear intellect Vanorin was invited to Tringlee to apprentice with a wizard of some repute. Whilst there he found an outlet in what free time he did have to study the craft of jewellery making, a trade for which the Elves are much renowned and in which he became quite adept, though not quite to the level of his dweomercraft. Thus he has lived a fairly quiet life in a community mostly of other elves, and is not always wise in the ways of the world.

And for some the road goes ever on. Where goes a newly qualified Fighter/Mage - back to the family business? Or on to new horizons and new possibilities, however dangerous they might prove?

A merchant caravan of cloth, foodstuffs and more material wealth made its way through the Celene Pass to the Faerie Kingdom for Midsummer, and Vanorin went with it as a guard, his first experience outside his own realm. He has seen the glittering towers and giant trees of Enstad but saw little of the capital, as even a caravan from an allied realm like the Duchy was watched day and night by the gray elven guards, and business was conducted in the market outside the city walls. From there they travelled east and north to Namburil, then across the border to the Domain of Greyhawk, crossing the Selintan at Two Ford before ending their journey at the Highway Gate, where Vanorin parted company with the caravan.

His mentor had told him to come here, the Gem of the Flanaess, to widen his horizons. Hopefully it doesn't prove too much.