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Welcome to Cyber Punk: Night City Noir

17:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Handle: Cuddles      Name: Halvi Kaitanen
Gender: Female       Cultural Origins: Finland
Hair: Brunette       Handiness: Right
Eyes: Brown          Age: 21
Height: 5'6"/167cm   Birthday: 24th of March
Weight: 115lb/52kg   Skin Color: Fair

Description: Gifted with feline like reflexes and surprising athleticism for someone her size, Halvi does very much look like a foreigner, yet she doesn't seem to have much of an accent anyone can point out. By the same token, her leisure wear with the occasional generic chic in the mix doesn't speak of much wealth or education, and still is rarely seen feeling out of place in any corporate or otherwise high end environment. Cuddles doesn't wear any jewelry or flashy accessories, the closest item to one such thing is her virtually ever present puukko.

On top of all her faults, just as she styles herself, Halvi is simple to a fault. Being a very driven person if not single minded about her chief passion in life, helping out others in need, which she turned into her occupation. Still, carefree as she is, one has to make a living and either Trauma isn't paying her well enough or Cuddles has some secret expensive vice or other similar drain for her hard earned money. The spartan lifestyle she leads and how she seems to be always pressed for eddies is a staple of who she is for those stumbling on her more than once out of working hours.

Most of Halvi's acquaintances are related to her actual job in Trauma however, where she is so happily invested that such woes can hardly transpire or even have a moment to do so. Be it a firefight, some roadside wreck or a burning building, there is little room for socializing with one's faceless rescuers while they keep you from flatlining. Fellow trauma workers and hospital staff are by far the biggest part of her rather small social circle. Although Cuddles would argue that just how happy clients are to see her arrive (when they are actually conscious) more than makes up for the lack of space for proper 'bedside manners'.

The rest of her circle is mostly made up by neighbors and a certain corporate star of about her same age, that for some reason she seems to hang out with fairly often. Which despite Cuddle's own liberal use of the word, may actually amount to her one genuine friend. Unsurprisingly enough, most of her side jobs and acquaintances related to them, have their root source at such outings and other compromises they have together. Halvi often gets to meet all kinds of colorful characters in those, with whom she gets to strike an actual conversation every now and then. As it turns out, not too often, some of those acquaintances do happen to have a need of people like Kaitanen, and she is ever so hungry for more eddies.

Still, monetary woes aside, Halvi's sunny disposition, her penchant for misunderstanding even her own sentences and altruistic drive, make her one ill fitting peg for a place such as Night city. Yet it would seem that it has, so far, been unable to break or reshape her simpleminded approach to life and happy-go-lucky spirit.