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Welcome to El Dorado County: A Boot Hill Campaign

22:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jonas Cord

Home State/Birthplace:


To look at, he's massive, with muscles covered by a layer of fat, yet
catlike in the grace and precision of his movements, not much gets past Jonas,
you'd think he had a sixth sense. Few really notice him, he fades into tbe
background but those who know him know he's OK. Lady Luck is indifferent about


Jonas had a happy upbringing in West Virginia, where his father worked in a coal mine specialising in explosives and his mother raised a brood of children - Jonas being the eldest. His father taught him to use explosives, his mother taught him to cook and to play the piano.

When he was 18, his father left the mine to start an explosives manufacturing business. Unfortunately not long after that his mother died. Jonas spent several years raising the younger children whilst his father built up his business. Once the youngsters were old enough not to need constant care, Jonas apprenticed to a locksmith and helped his father in the factory. He was at the locksmith's when an explosion shook the township... the factory, and his father, were no more.

Since then, Jonas drifted. He flirted with an escape into the bottle, but that didn't appeal. Neither did religion. A brief spell with the armed forces was a resounding failure for a gentle man with little interest in martial skills.

Over the years, he's drifted further west. Sometimes cooking, sometimes playing the piano in bars, sometimes working as a locksmith or handling explosives. But he's fed up with this hand-to-mouth life. Out here, it seems all explosives are shipped in. He's resolved to build up sufficient funds to set up a new explosives company. But for now, he's in a new town with a scant five bucks to his name...
