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Welcome to The Young Pinnacles

07:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Bryce Darcy

Real Name: Bryce Darcy
Hero Alias: Um... Working on it...
Look: Woman, White, Tight and Trimmed Body, Vintage Clothing, Adaptive Costume
Public Recognition: Almost none. Bryce is just starting out. Give me a minute!

You told Daisy/Dynamo-Girl about your shame and asked them for their confidence.
You wish you could be a better hero, more like Contact.

Bryce has Influence Over

- How did you first reveal your genius to your friends or family?
Bryce was always at the top of her class. The top of the top. She grew up the child of a pair of up-and-coming young parents in The Nest, aspiring to give their daughter the best. And it succeeded. Bryce was naturally a genius, even in her youngest days. And not just intellectually. She was the captain of her youth soccer team, the head of her scout troop, president of student government, the top of everything she tried. And without even really needing to try. Her superiority has simply always been obvious.

- Why did you decide to use your intellect for the benefit of others?
From a young age, Bryce's parents made it clear that helping others was important. Especially helping the less fortunate- and who isn't less fortunate than her? It's the place of people like her to help those society has cast away, to make change for the better. And where Bryce is so, so much better, she has to give more than anyone else. It's her duty. A sort of genetic lottery version of noblesse oblige.

- What accident or misfire taught you some sense of humility or responsibility?
Bryce didn't even realize it was dangerous until AEGIS agents showed up and seized her computer. She'd been constructing an AI. A computer program that would make assessments about people, their needs, generate models, and go out and seek more information. Pulling records together, knitting the disparate sources of information it could find into singular records. It was going to help predict what people would need and allow it to be delivered. Bryce only realized the danger it posed after it assembled the material necessary to enter an encrypted AEGIS database using materials culled from shopping profiles.

- Who helped you realize you need other people?
After her work was seized, Bryce's mother talked to her. They had a long heart-to-heart. Making Bryce realize that, for all her intellect, all her superior ability, sometimes it was going to be important to get another person's point of view. Outside views to help her see things from other angles. And where no one gets on AEGIS' radar without having some sort of potential... Maybe the best thing to do would be to find other people with superior abilities.

- Why do you care about the team?
Bryce is in an uncomfortable position. She... Needs other people. She's not the best automatically, no longer the biggest fish in the pond. She doesn't really know how to be a superhero- and it's not something she can simply apply her incredible intellect to figure out. So she's learning.

  - Super-Human Intellect
  Bryce is smart like Hyper-Man is strong. Infinitely. She can accomplish in moments what other scientists might spend months or lifetimes on. She's capable of building incredible devices and machines, an engineering and physics prodigy of the highest order. Bryce rarely sleeps, speaks a fistful of languages, and seems to have read and watched everything.

  - Gadgets and Gear
  With her mastery of physical sciences Bryce has crafted herself a wide array of gear. These take the form of ray guns, power belts, and robotic assistants. There's lots of chrome and antennae. Bryce seems to have a supply of them, though very few work for long. Prototype designs aren't exactly made for long shelf-lives.

   Danger: 0  |  Freak: 0  |  Savior: +1  |  Superior: +3  |  Mundane: -1

   - The Mask; Above the fray  |  - Always prepared  |  - Tactical genius