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Welcome to The Young Pinnacles

08:36, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Real Name: Isabella Hernandez
Hero Alias: "Horizon"
Look: Woman, Hispanic, Casual Clothing, Adaptive Body Armor, Slightly Stressed
Affiliation: The Astro Team (Superheroes)
Public Recognition: High - Very well-known and easily identified as Hero; Civilian private identity Unknown by public

"Horizon" is a well-known, well-thought of up-and-coming young Super, following in the footsteps of the Astro Team.  With their official sponsorship, she's got a head start on being accepted by the public with plenty of good media attention from the word go.  That she'll become a full-fledged member of Astro Team and a shining beacon of humanitarian service in the future is simply a given as far as the world at large is concerned.

Perpetually dressed in a specialized armored environmental suit supplied to her by the advanced scientists on Astro Team, Horizon is outfitted for any situation.  Her armor more than keeps up with the rough abuse of being a superhero, is fully enclosed as its own environmental unit to allow for both deep sea and orbital travel, and even has wi-fi!  The total-enclosure helmet completely masks her features and modulates her voice to help conceal her identity, allowing only for luminous white eyes to be seen through the obscuring shade of her tempered face shield.  Though unknown to the public, the suit alters her overall build and profile to make her appear slightly taller and better built than her actual physique and measurements are.

Horizon's gravity-altering powers are very distinct and easily recognizable.  Whenever she uses them, her eyes emit a pale light and her body becomes wreathed in visible cosmic energy that trails behind her like a layered after-image.  She has no capacity to control these emissions but they are thankfully harmless, albeit highly visible.  The greater shows of power she performs, the more intense the emission is.

Bryce knew me from my civilian life first, and I refused to tell Daisy my secret identity when they asked.

Has Influence over Horizon
-Jack (Hellfish)

Horizon has Influence Over
-Atka (Contact)
-Daisy (Dynamo Girl)

- When and why did you first put on the mask?
Superheroics is the family business ever since papa Pablo Hernandez was part of the AstroGen space exploration team back in the 20's.  He got zapped with some crazy cosmic radiation from an alien spaceship exploding and got powers.  Turns out that stuff gets passed down through the genes, so my family is full of masked crusaders.  My parents, all my aunts and uncles, most of my cousins... it's just what we do.

I'm the eldest of three siblings but I'm the only one of us who's got powers.  So me being a part of the family super group - the Astro Team - and continuing on the family tradition was just always a given.  I didn't even pick out my hero name or my costume; my papi chose them for me.  He's really big on keeping with the space theme.

- Why do you keep a secret identity?
Everyone knows my family as superheroes.  We're very much out in the public eye all the time; fighting crime, solving scientific struggles, and saving the day.  Even if nobody knows who we really are under the masks, it's still a lot to handle.  I've gone weeks without ever seeing my parents outside of their costumes for more than a few minutes at a time.  Sometimes it doesn't even feel like we're a family because it's always super-business as usual.

I just want to be able to be... y'know, me.

- Who, outside of the team, knows about your dual identity?
Dios mio, nobody!  Do you have any idea what my parents would do if they found out I was doing part-time work at a cafe when they think I'm supposed to be doing civics training at city hall?  It'd be a disaster!

I think my little brother is getting suspicious though.  He's pretty smart for a brat... kids are crazy perceptive, y'know?  He's always been jealous of me since he wasn't born with any powers, so I just hope nothing comes of it.  My little siblings don't know how good they've got it; they get to do whatever they want with their futures.

- Who thinks the worst of your masked identity?
They don't know about it, but my whole family would blow their lids if they found out I was shirking super-duty whenever I could.  I've done a pretty good job of keeping everything under wraps.  But, honestly?  I think I'm the one who hates it most.  It's not right that I have to lie to my family just to have a life that's not all fighting off giant mutant monsters and space-mummies from Dimension X.  But what choice do I have?  They'd never understand.  All papi ever talks about is how excited he is for me to finish training so I can join the team as a full, proper member.  It'd break his heart.

- Why do you care about the team?
I'm still kinda getting used to everyone, but they seem like good people.  The team itself is what matters most right now though.  It's freedom!  Sure, there's still plenty of superheroing involved, but I finally have some room to breathe without always being wrapped up with the Astro Team.  I mean, sure, my parents are still keeping tabs on me, but it's still a whole world of improvement.

  - Default Heightened Physicality
  Isabella is innately at peak physical condition without having to exercise and  is capable of feats of athleticism well beyond normal human limits.  She can easily perform actions that others need to dedicate their entire lives to mastering or are even beyond human capacity entirely, such as dodging automatic gunfire, outrunning a car, or enduring trauma that would otherwise instantly kill a normal person.  She is, simply put, super-human.

  - Impossible Mobility
  Isabella can freely alter gravitational fields, allowing her to move in ways that utterly defy standard physics and aerodynamics.  It is limited to focused bursts of activity, meaning she can't fly but can vault supernaturally long distances, walk along walls/ceilings, and safely fall from any height since she can just redirect her gravity at the last second to land unharmed.  She can induce similar effects in objects and other people through physical contact or through a shared medium connecting the two.

  - Energy Absorption
  Isabella can absorb energy she comes into physical contact with, which is how she fuels her gravity manipulation.  While she can't completely negate energy she encounters, she can absorb enough of it to make it harmless.  For instance, she could be shot point-blank or catch a runaway train, then absorb the kinetic energy so that it would not kill her.  Still hurts though, no doubt about it.  This is an activated ability, meaning she must consciously use it and can be caught off-guard if surprised.

   Danger: 0  |  Freak: -1  |  Savior: +1  |  Superior: 0  |  Mundane: +3

   - The Mask; Savior  |  - I Am What You See  |  - Mild-Mannered

Secret Identity:
   - Job; Apprentice chef at a local cafe.
   - Home; Trying to spend time with non-Superhero friends and family.
   - Social; Managing a life outside of the Superhero circuit.