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Welcome to Babylon 5: Points of Departure

11:31, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


- Character Name: Exedore

- Race: Human

- Age: 37

- Concept/Role on Babylon 5: Techno-Mage/Advisor

- Description: Exedore is typical of one who knows visually what a Techno-Mage looks like; Black robes who may or may not hold a Staff. Where Exedore differs is that he has black hair where most of his order are bald.

- Personality: Exedore's personality is not typical of a Techno-Mage as he is friendly, outgoing and - when he feels to do so - approachable but his personality can change if he or his friends are threatened or if he sees others being exploited or hurt by others.

- History: Exedore was born to Arn & Sophia Falkenberg who lived on Mars and were members of the Barsoom Autonomous, an organization dedicated to Mars Independence. Shortly after their child was born, Arn left their secret stronghold to perform an errand when he received word from his good friend the Techno-Mage Alwyn that an attack was imminent on the base by Mars security forces and the Psi Corps who were looking for a telepath fugitive. Both Arn & Alwyn raced to the base to find it already under siege. Sneaking past the attackers, they found Sophia but she had died in the initial assault. Running to Arn's quarters, they found his child surprisingly sleeping soundly in his crib. Arn and Alwyn made their way out of the base but were found by Mars security forces who opened fire, hitting Arn in the back and he collapsed to one knee, clutching his child. Alwyn lashed out with an arc of lightning from his staff, striking & dispatching all of their attackers.

Arn held up his young son who was now crying at the sounds of weapons fire. He fell prone as Alwyn caught the child in his own arms. Arn made Alwyn promise to take him and watch over him. Tears welling in his eyes at the loss of both friends this day, he promised him he would and hearing more possible security forces or Psi Corp agents approaching, cloaked himself in an invisibility & sound dampening spell to conceal him and the baby and snuck out of the stronghold. He left Mars in his ship and arrived at a secret Techno-Mage enclave where the child would be taken care of and raised as one of their own.

Brought up by the Techno-Mages & attending a Convocation when he became of age, he chose the name Exedore after a character that was an alien advisor from an ancient anime series from Earth's late 20th century. Alwyn became his teacher and although he could have chosen to focus his abilities in a particular magic focus such as a healer or defense, Exedore chose to be a generalist and be a "Jack of all Trades" and not be specialized in any focus or specialty. In 2258 Alwyn declared Exedore fully trained Techno-Mage needing no further instruction. The year after however, the Circle declared the coming of the Shadows and their decision to seek a hiding place away from the war. Both Alwyn & Exedore agreed that to hide was to turn their back on the galaxy if not rank cowardice on the Circle's part. While Alwyn left the Order, Exedore stayed with them but secretly stating to his former master that he wished only to see the Babylon 5 station before he too would not join the others in hiding and stay on the station as he sensed it would be a focal point of the coming Shadow War. Once the Techno-Mages gathered then left Babylon 5, he stayed behind and began his plan to help the station and its personnel face the darkness that will come for them all.

 - Important NPC’s (optional): up to 3 important NPC’s to the character that they would regularly interact with during the game. - TBD