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Welcome to Hunter's Moon (Supernatural Urban Fantasy)

08:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lexiana Cole

General Character Information
Full Name: Lexiana Cole
Nickname(s): Lexi

Date of Birth: May 23rd, 1984
Actual Age: 36
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Hetero-Flexible

Place of Birth: Portland, Oregon
Ethnicity: Caucasian (Italian)
Religion: Roman Catholic
Degree of Religious Practice: Moderate

Species: Shifter (Werewolf) Alpha

Physical Appearance
Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 150 lbs
Body Type: Slim
Hair Color: Dark brown
Hair Style: Medium-long, wavy
Eye Color: Dark brown
Skin Tone: Tanned

Birthmarks: None
Scars: Faint burn pattern on her right calf
Tattoos: None

Scent: Pine trees and campfire smoke
Aura: Flickering reds and oranges, like flame

Physical Description:
Lexiana is a relatively tall, slim woman whose slender build hides the strength of a seasoned athlete. Her long wavy hair is usually left loose and flowing, though it gets tied back out of the way when at work. She tends towards clothing that is functional for being outdoors – her favorite place to be.

Father: Jared Cole (deceased)
Mother: Patricia Cole (deceased)
Siblings: Larissa (Cole) Weston - 34 yrs, Neil Cole – 33 yrs
Grandfather: Gregory Cole – 80 yrs
Grandmother: Janice Cole – 79 yrs

Marital Status: Single
Spouse: None
Other Romantic Relationships: None currently
Children: None

Friends: Other firefighters, and the Bend, OR pack
Enemies: Longstanding rivalry with Hamish Bennett, Captain of Bend Fire & Rescue East Station

Degrees Held – Place and Year Completed:
Fire Protection Technology Associate Degree – Portland Community College, 2004
EMT-P certification – Oregon Health Authority, 2006
Firefighter Recruitment Academy – Portland, 2007
Fire Science Management Bachelor’s Degree – American Public University, 2014

Current Occupation: Firefighter Captain at South Station, Bend Fire & Rescue
Socioeconomic Level (At Birth): Low-middle class
Socioeconomic Level (Current): Middle class

Spending Behavior: Average
Financial Assets: House/land, 2018 Chevy Silverado pickup truck, ATV
Financial Liabilities: Mortgage, car loan, a credit card or two

Languages (Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing):

English – L5, R5, S5, W5
Italian – L2, S2

Vices: Adrenaline junkie
Strengths: Fearless, loyal
Weaknesses: Outspoken, risk taker
Fears/Phobias: Clowns
Mental Illnesses: None known
Turn Ons: Anyone who is always up for an adventure, confidence, a guy who cooks
Turn Offs: Boring people, narcissists, anyone who doesn’t like the outdoors

  Short Range Goal: (Ongoing) Keep the Bend, Oregon area safe. Strengthen the Pack.
  Medium Range Goals: Promotion to Battalion Chief
  Long Range Goals: Fire Chief

How does the character handle emotions of…?
  Anger: Lexi is quick to flare and slow to cool off.
  Frustration: Age and her job have helped her develop the ability to handle frustration better than she did when she was younger. Usually she will blow off steam at the gym or hiking.
  Fear: She will lash out rather than show fear. It is not something she faces often so she does not handle it well.
  Desire/Lust: Lexi likes to have fun but she is somewhat commitment-phobic. She rarely finds anyone that can keep up with her energy and drive and she can’t tolerate boring. She will pursue a guy she’s interested in but isn’t likely to call back for a second date.
  Emotional Pain (i.e. heartbreak): She has adeptly kept herself from any relationship that could lead to heartache. Losing her parents was enough of that for a lifetime.

Character History
Lexiana’s life started simply. Her parents, Jared and Patricia, were both school teachers. They were not well off, but they worked hard and were actively involved in the lives of their three children. Lexi and her siblings grew up in a small mobile home in a Portland, Oregon trailer park, and while it was not much, they never wanted for the important things. An outgoing and talkative child, Lexi was more than happy to share a room with her sister Larissa and brother Neil, often talking their ears off about any random thing long after the kids all should have been asleep.
One of her longwinded stories may have been what saved their lives the night of the fire. Lexi was awake and babbling – about what, she never could remember – when she smelled the smoke. Had they been asleep, they probably would never have woken, but Lexi remembered her school fire drills. She hurried the smaller children out the window and followed them out, all the while shouting for her parents. By the time they were out the window, it was apparent that the entire other end of the trailer was engulfed in flames. Lexi and her siblings were safe, but their parents never made it out.
Despite the early tragedy – Lexi was only 8 at the time – the world continued on, and the three children with it. They went to live with their father’s parents. Gregory and Janice Cole took on the raising of their grandchildren without complaint, providing a stable and caring home for the kids even though they were far from young.
The loss of her parents drove Lexi onto her career path. There was never a waiver in her resolve – she knew that she would be a firefighter, and dedicated herself to the pursuit of that goal. She lived by the old credo of ‘work hard, play hard’, finishing grade school, pushing through college, paramedic training, and the fire academy at a breakneck speed. She knew she had to be tougher, stronger, and braver in order to be taken seriously, and so she was. She began her career as a firefighter in her hometown of Portland, which let her stay close to her siblings and grandparents even as her days became filled with smoke and fire.
There was no question that Lexi’s career was on the fast track. She made Lieutenant by 28 years old, not quite the youngest in Oregon history, but not far off.
In 2013 on one of her many camping trips out of Portland, Lexi was attacked. That she survived at all was a testament to her physical prowess – fighting off a wolf with a hunting knife was no mean feat. That it was a werewolf, and not a natural wolf, made it all the more impressive. Or perhaps it was simply after easier prey – Lexi never found out who it was. But a month later, on the next full moon, it was confirmed that she had been infected.
Thankfully, life as a werewolf was no longer the downer it might once have been. Lycanthropy was better understood than it used to be, and the general public was no longer fearful of the supernatural. Shifters, vampires, witches, and fae were now commonplace enough that her infection didn’t even hamper Lexi’s job. If anything, after she gained her bearings and some control, it helped her. Enhanced senses, strength and reflexes gave her an edge in an emergency situation that a mere human simply couldn’t match. Her crew didn’t look at her like a monster. They looked at her with respect, and a healthy dose of expectation – the expectation that if shit went sideways, that she would pull their asses out of the fire. Literally and figuratively.
Three years later, an opportunity arose that she could not ignore – the Captaincy in one of Bend, Oregon’s fire stations had opened up. Not only was it the promotion she had been seeking, but it was an opportunity to get away from the city and out into the beautiful, wild and open places of her home state. It was no surprise when she was offered the position, or when she accepted it.
Her departure from Portland was filled with tearful goodbyes – her sister Larissa, now married with children, her brother Neil, well on his way towards becoming a doctor, and her ever supportive, ever present grandparents, who had never once shied away from the dangerous trajectory their eldest grandchild was on. Her whole family, along with her fire station family, and her pack family, showed up to see her off. But Lexi’s eyes were, as always, only focused forwards. Towards Bend Oregon, Bend Fire & Rescue, and the Wolf Moon Pack. New adventures, new excitement, and new families awaited.