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Welcome to Hunter's Moon (Supernatural Urban Fantasy)

08:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Rhosyn Owen

Full Name: Rhoslyn Owen
Nickname(s): Lyn / Rose

Date of Birth: November 1st
Apparent Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Place of Birth: Dyfed, Wales
Ethnicity: Welsh
Religion: Pagan

Species: Human
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 117 lbs
Body Type: Slim
Hair Color: Dark Brown Auburn
Hair Style: Mid-Back
Eye Color: Blue to Grey
Skin Tone: Pale
Scent: Mixed Spice and Rosemary
Aura: A mix of dark blues and violets, with the occasional murk of dark green, all shimmered in black.
Marks: She has faint stretch marks on her abdomen with a thin horizontal scar above, and a scar in her left pectoral above her heart. All of these are very old and faded, barely noticeable unless in the right light. A full circle of mating marks on her throat and shoulder, however, are always prominent and sometimes fresh. There are also two swirling branded sigils on her spine, one below the other, between her shoulder blades. They are intricate whirls that appear possibly Celtic, but bear no resemblance to anything practical.

Physical Description:
She dresses in upscale-casual attire. Something between jeans, business, and cocktail. It is rare to see her in anything that would be considered otherwise. Always impeccably clean, her makeup is either crisp or dramatic. There is never a situation where she has stepped foot outside in yoga pants and a messy bun.

Her brown hair falls typically below her shoulder blades, and her pale skin is dusted in freckles. High cheekbones lead into blue eyes that have a tendency to ink into stormy grey. Though she does not have preternatural movement, she does walk with the sure grace and confidence of a woman that well knows her worth.

Rhoslyn's presence is electrifying, something of her demeaner intense and nearly pulsing. However, she does not come off as anything more than the human mate to Rhys. She does not smell like a supernatural, or move like one. Scrying or divination all determine her humanity as well. But there is something - that weird dark violet and ebony of her aura that hints to something more that might be there.

Looking her up, trying to find any other information, would be a practice in futility. She has no presence on social media, and her photograph does not appear on any search. Nothing on the internet, nothing in official records. No school pictures or clubs. No DMV hits, although her license will always pass as valid. All of her paperwork seems to be that way. She exists without really existing.

Walking in daylight proves she's not a vampire, and she seems to handle iron just fine. Witches cannot sense her as a fellow practitioner, even if she does seem to understand the rites and rituals. Asking about her past is odd, just as digging into what it may be. Her accent is very modern British, but there are hints of old Wales and Ireland in it. Enunciation of vowels that just don't sound right.

The only real truth that seems to stand up to any interaction with Lyn is that she is very clearly devoted to Rhys. Not in the devoted of young love, or passionate passing, but in the kind of bonding that makes them seamless around each other. Rhys can often tell what she needs or wants before she articulates it, and he is there to provide. His instinct to protect her is very obvious, and sometimes overbearing, but she does not seem to take any issue to the way he treats her. Occasionally, like she is glass and about to shatter, and sometimes like a weapon about to destroy the world. But always, close by. Though Rhoslyn appears to be the more submissive in the pair, an Alpha Were's mate following the demands of nature, there are times that they break that dynamic. Watching closely, it is easy to tell. Another odd mystery that seems to tickle the brain before it tries to float away.