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17:24, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Geoffrey Butcher

Name: Geoffrey Butcher

Nickname/Title: Father Geoffrey

Age: 53

Birthplace: London

Sexuality: Straight


Occupation: Parish Priest

Physical Description: About average height, though with a spare tire around the middle. His once thick jet-black hair now receding and shot through with grey. Dark brown, almost black, eyes glitter in his pale round face, which is also adorned with a mustache and goatee. Despite his age and stature, he carries himself smoothly and comfortably with an undeniable confidence.

Distinguishing Features: Though they cannot be seen, Father Geoffrey's back, shoulders, and possibly more, are striated with scars that seem to be inflicted by flogging or lashing.

Personality Description: Always quick with a joke, Father Geoffrey is an amiable and lighthearted man, he loves to put smiles on other people's faces

Characters History:
    Father Geoffrey, born Geoffrey Butcher, was the youngest of five children and the only boy, in a devoutly Catholic family. He learned piety and devotion, from a very young age. He also meekness, especially around his older sisters, who did not hesitate to both coddle him and berate him depending on their current mood or disposition.
   As he grew older, he attempted to follow in his father's footsteps as a Deacon of the Church. Through his formation he discovered that he had quite a bit of scrupulosity. He would covet a woman, feel sorry and go to reconciliation, like a proper man of God, but it never made him feel better. The only penance that ever relieved him of his guilt was the bite of the lash.
   Finally, after years of Deaconate formation, he was ordained a priest, and has since found his life's work in the purification and catechesis of others.

Goals: To purify and catechize his flock to be presentable to the Lord.

Likes: The occasional cigarette, and the purificatory nature of corporal penance.

Dislikes: Unrepentant sinners.