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Welcome to The Clans of Dimlit Cove

07:57, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Yu Lian

Name: Yu Lian (Surname - Yu, First name - Lian)

Clan: The Jade Serpents

Occupation: "Boss" - Head of the Jade Serpents

Alignment: Neutral

Actual Age/Apparent Age: Unknown - looks to be about 27

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demisexual

Race/Species: Chinese Green Half-Dragon

Appearance: When it comes to appearances, Lian is one of those who understand the importance of first impressions and selects her visage and clothing accordingly. Pale skinned and dark-eyed, she seems to be a mix of Asian and Caucasian, wearing her dark hair straight and long, all the way down to her waistline. Slender, very softly curved, and of average height, her stature is nothing special to behold, but she carries herself with an air of authority and class, every inch a leader of the most enigmatic clan in the city.

Her gaze is sharp and piercing, capable of making those that displease her truly feel it on their skin, and she speaks in a soft, calm voice, only raising it in alarm, never in anger. Her footsteps are soft, even when wearing heels, making it appear as if she floats whilst mimicking walking, rather than actually placing her feet on the floor.

She can usually be found in tailored black business suits, paired up with a white shirt and black tie, though she is known to occasionally indulge herself and don a dress, usually form-fitting.

She has no special blemishes and the only marking on her skin is a large tattoo of a Chinese green dragon, weaving across her back, over her backside, and its tail wrapping itself around her left thigh.

Personality: Saddled with the heavy burden of managing such a variety of individuals under one roof and keeping them on track, Lian often comes off as a rather cold and calculated person. Straight-faced, her expression near-unreadable, she appears to rule her clan with an iron fist, making any outsider wonder why in the hell no one seems all too keen on leaving, if she's such a tyrant, making them follow rules and sending them on missions, sometimes logical, other times completely illogical and out of the blue.

She holds most people outside of her clan at arm's length, revealing little of herself, her or the clan's goals and ideals, keeping up the "independent clan's" mystery going for a long while now.

But to those she dares call friend, a whole different face is shown; one that deeply cares for the members of her clan, considering them more family than underlings, and always looking out for them, ensuring their safety and wellbeing to the best of her ability. She is often tired, seemingly from the pressure she's under near-constantly, and expresses stress and worry by eating junk food and binging historical dramas.

On better days, she's that quiet, supportive friend, who is always willing to listen, even if you only need to vent and not seek advice... even while she simply appears to be terribly lonely herself.


Longevity - Though not a full Dragon, but merely a half-breed, some of the perks still stuck to her, making Lian live significantly longer than she would have, were she a full human. Keeping her youth and vitality, she is currently over 80 years old, but keeps that information under wraps, saying that the pictures of her from decades ahego are actually her mother and grandmother, and the resemblance between women of the Yu family is just that weirdly strong.

Cloud breath - Being of the "Sky dragon" variety, her full-blooded counterparts can, in fact, affect the weather, but Lian's own abilities are limited. She still cannot exactly fly, but she can manipulate the air just enough to cushion any major fall, if she reacts instinctually. But her primary use of this gift is the ability to literally breathe out mist, not poisonous or anything, but thick enough to drastically lessen visibility and mess with senses of smell, just enough for her to attempt and make a quick getaway, while her opponent is distracted.

Prosperity - Per historical belief, Green Dragons bring Prosperity to others; this is exactly what Lian does; once you swear allegiance to her and get accepted into her clan (taken under her wing, so to speak), this gift manifests in subtle, but important ways. Suddenly, no matter how messed up your life was until that point, it slowly begins to simply fix itself. The money comes easier. You feel better. You look better. Your greatest talent - the one you are most proud of, seems to grow even better than before, and a hundred more subtle, little things, that make your life just a tad bit better and easier to deal with.

Basically, her power is to empower others.


Human frailty - Though being half-Dragon, and being capable of living well beyond the normal human lifespan, Lian, unfortunately, did not inherit the ability to shift into a full dragon form, nor got their impenetrable scales and tremendous strength. Instead, her body is very much... breakable. Whilst not prone to disease, she is still not immune to poisons and burns, along with reacting to any injury as any other mortal human would, depending on the severity of the injury, and while she still heals a tad bit quicker than an average human, it still takes quite a bit longer than it would, were she a full dragon.

This is why she always has a bodyguard or two shadowing her every step, and why her clan seems so devoted to keeping her under wraps and away from any potentially dangerous situations, if they can help it. If she falls, they all fall.

Partial shift - only capable of grasping a small amount of her Dragon side, the transformations are usually done in times of great stress, and manifest in a few subtle ways; her eyes turn jade green and can appear to faintly glow. Her arms, legs, and back can grow patches of deep green scales, but as soon as they vanish, unfortunately, they leave rough, irritated, and often cut-up skin behind, as she simply misses the bridging part where the shift happens seamlessly. For this reason, she does all she can to avoid shifting at all.

Other information:

- Due to her name being mentioned and misheard plenty of times, the rumor on the street is that the Serpents are actually run by a man named "Julian", which usually results in confusion, when a slim, pale woman walks into the meeting instead.

(Any specific thing you wish to build or accomplish with your character?): TBA