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Welcome to The Clans of Dimlit Cove

07:01, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Campbell Goode

Name: Campbell Goode

Clan: Shadowfur Clan, eventually

Occupation: Student; wants to be a nurse

Alignment: Good

Actual Age/Apparent Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Race/Species: Human

Appearance: Dark hair tends to hang down, hiding Campbell’s bright blue eyes, hidden further, or sometimes brought out, by the thick brows he thinks look too much like caterpillars marching across his forehead to be attractive. Campbell is often seen hunched over, as if trying to hide himself by blending into his surroundings, but his long, lanky arms and legs he’s never quite grown into makes that difficult.

He has a preference for bright colors, but grudgingly chooses darker ones to blend in better, save for his socks. One of the many ways he hides his true colors, is letting the brightly colored patterns he prefers remain hidden under his shoes and pant legs. Campbell takes care to keep them hidden, but just often enough they poke out, often when he stumbles, or trips causing his pant leg to rise just enough, creating even more fuel for the teasing and bullying that has followed him through life.

His gangly build provides for clothing that never quite fits right, and an awkwardness he wished wasn’t there. Granted, most of what he feels is awkwardness he can’t control is merely slight oddities that others chose to latch onto and tease him for since they first appeared. Really, Campbell is a rather normal looking person, with arms and legs no longer or shorter than they should be for his frame. Half the awkward stumbling and tripping is really due to kids finding it funny to stick their foot in his way or nudge him just lightly enough to send him toppling one way or another.

Otherwise, his quite piercing blue eyes are easily his crowning feature, easily noticed even through the hair falling in the way, complete with little brown flecks that make them that much more interesting. The clothes could use some work, but really, if he were to stand up straight, even that would mostly fix itself, and he would become a rather handsome young man, as soon as he learned how to climb out of his own awkward shell.

Personality: Campbell has learned through the years to be as quiet as possible. He is the definition of a wallflower, refusing to see his good qualities after having the oddities pointed out to him so often, and so publicly. He tries hard to not stand out, to remain in the shadows and simply get through his day without any of the bullies finding him.

After telling his parents about the treatment he often found himself at the hands of, his father merely told him to “man up” and either take it or do something about it himself. Not having any sort of skill or build of a fighter, Campbell ended up taking it, letting it drive him further into depression without realizing it.

The self-doubt, low self-esteem, and depression only compounded when he finally gathered up the courage to tell his father he liked guys, only to find himself out on the street with only a bag of belongings hastily packed for the show of bravery. Now, he sleeps in the dorms of the small college, spending as little time there as possible, in part from constantly being kicked out by his roommate while he had a girl over, and in part to simply get away from people for a time.

More than anything, Campbell just wants somewhere he can be accepted as he is.

          Empathy - Campbell can read body language, even in its most subtle form, mostly to assess if whoever is coming towards him is a threat or not. He can tell when someone is angry or upset, when they intend for a little “harmless fun”, but struggles to recognize happiness or acceptance in others.

          Moving Quietly - While not nearly as well as a vampire or lycanthrope might, for a human, Campbell is good at moving around fairly well unseen, or at least easily ignored.

          Imperfect Empathy - While he is excellent at picking up on certain emotions, Campbell often struggles with the more positive ones, unable to tell when someone genuinely likes spending time with him, often assuming they are simply tolerating him instead. All he needs is a bit more practice, though.

          Low Self-Esteem - Much like anyone that spends far too much time as the butt of more jokes than he can count, Campbell does not see his characteristics as anything good, but rather someone to tolerate until something better comes along. He is often down on himself, unable to quiet all the voices over the years that told him he is worthwhile.

Campbell never knew his mother. His father never really spoke of her, so he isn’t even sure who she is or what happened to her. Instead, he grew up with a father that left Campbell feeling as though he wasn’t the son his father wanted. From the way he was ignored to the way his father would lash out at anything not deemed “manly” enough. Which was almost anything Campbell identified with.

School had never been easy, with a name that made it easy for kids to grunt like a caveman with a particular fondness for the brand, often referring to him as “Soup” in a way that made him despise the meal. Kids growing up had always been mean, but they seemed to enjoy aiming it at the odd kid that didn’t want to participate, often wore strange colored socks, and generally didn’t fit in with what the “cool kids” deemed acceptable.

From the typical pranks of untying or tying shoelaces together, pushing him around, threats of violence, teasingly hurtful comments, and various nicknames, all of which he hated, Campbell found himself the butt of just about any joke, the the point that he considered himself one. The crowning moment was within the week before he started in the game, three jocks held him down and shaved the word “gay” into his hair, one of which being his roommate.

While laying on the ground, he suddenly found himself no longer pinned, and the three jocks actively getting pushed away, threatened, and kicked until they ran off by a group of kids that seemed not nearly big enough, or numerous enough, to accomplish what they just had. They picked him up, dusted him off, and brought him to a large house filled with people, claiming he could stay as long as he liked.

There, he found welcoming smiles, a girl with bright blue hair pulling him aside to fix his unfortunate butcher job of a haircut as best she could, another group offering him clothing, apologizing that none of it happened to be the darker colors he seemed to prefer, and a warm meal made with more than enough to go around. No one seemed upset that he was there, and everyone treated him as if he simply belonged. He was offered a room to himself to go because ‘the house can be a bit overwhelming sometimes with how many people there were”.

At the start of the game, Campbell found himself just starting to come out of his shell and truly

Other information: While not initially, Campbell finds himself taken in by a group of wolves from the Shadowfur Clan and taken home

(Any specific thing you wish to build or accomplish with your character?):