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Welcome to Hunter's Moon (Supernatural Urban Fantasy)

05:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Isla Williams

Isla "Sydney" Williams
DOB 3/8/1983 in Sydney, Australia.
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Ethnicity:  Caucasian/Asian
Physical Appearance:
Height: 5'9
Weight: 145LBS
Body Type: Athletic
Hair Style: Medium-long
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Tone: Medium Tan
Sexual orientation: Bi-Sexual

Isla was born in Sydney, Australia, her mother from Hong Kong, and her father a businessman from Australia. Originally from Batesman's Bay on the south eatern coast, her home was lost in the fires of the early 90's.  It was here that she gained her respect for firemen and paramedics who constantly rode into danger.
 After losing her home her family moved to New Castle, about 30 minutes north of Sydney.  There she spent her time at the Beach and as soon as she was old enough she bought her first motorcycle.  She is a good surfer, a strong swimmer, and was a racer on the weekends.  Not knowing what she wanted to do a university she started medical school at the University of Sydney.  After a year she joined a transfer program to study abroad.

Her travels took her to the University of New Mexico as part of a medical exchange program where she studied emergency trauma.  A chance encounter at a dance club introduced her to Robert (Bo) Williams who was attending advanced combat medicine training at Kirtland, AFB in Albuquerque for his military training.  She wasn't looking for anything serious so played coy at first, and being from Australia, thought it fitting she gave her name as Sydney. The nickname stuck and three weeks later they found themselves in the same paramedic course.  Their relationship progressed from there and they were married a year later.  Within a year they had their first child Elena and 11 months later came Wyatt.  Assignments in Japan and England were to follow before Bo's injury left him unable to continue his military service so the family moved back to Texas where she started working for the Austin EMS service.



Isla was an EMS Captain working with the Austin FD, responding to a multi-car accident when a third car, a black SUV, ran into The car of the patient she was treating.  Details were unreliable because her partner and the patient were also killed however it is believed, based on the evidence found in the wrecked truck, that the driver was a teenager who was uncontrollably turning into a werewolf for the first time on the full moon.  A month later close to the full moon they knew for sure.

Due to the voodoo around being a Shifter, Isla lost her position as an EMS captain and position on the emergency response council, eventually being forced out of the medical profession altogether for fear of her infecting others. Their termination letter said it in more legal and proper terms.

The Dripping Springs pack initially welcomed her warmly, their liaison was friendly and the pack brought her into the fold, teaching her what it meant to be a shifter and a part of a pack...but not all was what it seemed.

The pack itself is small-ish and modeled after an outlaw biker gang complete with colors and rules of membership.  At first, it just seemed like a fad, a bunch of people "glorifying" the biker gang life but the longer she was in the pack, the darker things became.  Their numbers included both shifters and non-shifters though the non-shifters were more hired thugs and muscle than anything.   Since they fancied themselves as "outlaws" Isla learned they were into everything from petty theft to running drugs and guns, the hired muscle to do most of the dirty work.  Further, the men ran the show and the women were their eye candy, expected to defer to them or otherwise be their "second" and support them.  They were all subordinate to the males and would cower whenever they were addressed.  Even when not around the pack they seemed skittish and deferential.  Isla just wasn't built that way.  She stood up, stood out, and things went sideways in a bad way.

Isla was still relatively new to being a shifter when she found out the new girls who joined the pack were effectively pimped out without their consent to learn how to control their change during sex.  When Isla inquired she learned it was under the guise of training, and then it was expected of her as well.  Being a doctor who saw the outcome of how this affects people, she couldn't deal.

A private meeting with the Ulfric blew up after he had refused to talk about it and she finally confronted him in front of everyone over it.  A very loud argument followed in front of nearly the entire pack and their council.  Steven, The Ulfric, knowing she was overstepping her place without realizing it, "punished" her instead of just killing her.  At first, it was a severe beating by his lieutenant Derek.  Late, he forced her to remain human while his lieutenants abused and humiliated her in ways that shouldn't be done and would have killed a human.

As terrible as she had been treated, she realized that she had been the oldest woman brought into the pack since Steven had become Ulfric some five years earlier.  She also realized that the new girls had no chance and no one to speak up for she did.  She refused to bow to Steven like the other women so the punishments got worse over time.  Eventually, there was an uneasy peace, she took care of the young ones until they were 18 and anytime she became too much trouble, she took a beating or worse.  It happened at least once a week as she took the younger girls under her wing while trying to protect them.

Over time she learned to fight as other wolves thought she was an easy target because she was forced to endure more punishments.  The toll of this resulted in her staying away from home longer and longer so she could heal and it strained her relationship with her family.  Isla then learned that Steven had other families removed, with dire implications.  Being away from her family eventually caused her marriage to implode and she eventually signed divorce paperwork in front of Steven, mostly because she pushed her husband away hoping it would protect him from any retribution.

She stayed because she thought she could help the less fortunate and weaker members of the pack and because of her family in the area but realized it wouldn't end until she capitulated to Steven or she was dead.  It was her girls that actually suggested she make a run for help.  They were all orphans and she had the only contact nearby that might help without any questions asked so one night, just before the full moon, they distracted Steven's lieutenants and Isla made her run.  After being turned away, a longtime friend, Abbigail, whom she went to med school with, reached out.  Unbeknownst to Isla, Abbigail was also a shifter, and told her to come to Bend, that help might be found there.

Religion: Protestant (semi-practicing).
Degree of Practice:  Major holidays and events. Sporadic otherwise due to her work schedule.  Not much in recent years.

Scent-- Scent of the Ocean's first wave of dawn on a quiet secluded beach
Aura: Hazel, like her eyes.  A little bit Green, a little bit blue,  a little bit yellow and orange.
Physical Disabilities:  None

Father:  Thomas
Mother:  Theresa
Younger Sister: Maggie
Grandfather Paternal: Oliver (age 88
Grandmother Paternal: Lana (aged 87)
Grandfather Maternal: Reid Aged 92
Grandmother Maternal: Katherine(Aged 90)

Marital Status: Married (separated -- Robert Williams)
Other Romantic Relationships: None

Children: 2
Elena 19
Wyatt 18
They are considered "Irish Twins because they are less than a year apart in age

Highest Education Achieved:  Masters of Science in Emergency Medical Service

Skills/Trades Known:
Emergency Medical Responder  (Texas -- lapsed due to Lycanthropy and not able to perform though she's kept up her studies)
Emergency Medical Technician - B  (Texas -- lapsed due to Lycanthropy and not able to perform though she's kept up her studies)
Advanced Emergency Medical Technician  (Texas -- lapsed due to Lycanthropy and not able to perform though she's kept up her studies)
Emt-P  (Texas -- lapsed due to Lycanthropy and not able to perform though she's kept up her studies)
Licensed paramedic (Texas -- lapsed due to Lycanthropy and not able to perform though she's kept up her studies)
National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians Certification (Unclear due to lycanthropy status though she has kept up her studies to maintain the certification hoping she can someday return to the field.)
Swiftwater rescue
Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician

Surfing, swimming, riding motorcycles, Hiking, Camping, Fishing, playing piano and violin.

Current Occupation: EMS Captain (Austin)--
Socioeconomic Level (At Birth): Middle class
Socioeconomic Level (Current): Middle class

Spending Behavior: Thrifty
Financial Assets: Home, 20 acres land in Texas, 401k, Car, Truck, Motorcycle, couple 4 wheelers
Financial Liabilities: Home Loan, Auto Loan, some credit cards

Languages (Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing):
Languages graded on a 6-pt. scale: Novice – 0, Beginner – 1, Intermediate – 2, Advanced – 3, Superior – 4, Native - 5
(English – L5, R5, S5, W5), (Spanish L3, S3, R1, W1), (Mandarin L5, R3, S4, W3)

Speech Pace: Normal
Accent: Australian
Voice Tone: Alto
Speech Pattern: Normal

Speech Disability: None

Vices: Adrenalin Junky (why she likes her job and doing dangerous things like skydiving and surfing)
Strengths: Strong-willed, loyal, fearless, cool under pressure, generous, compassionate, protective
Weaknesses: Doesn't know when to say no, outspoken, can be pushy, men in uniform, will sometimes let her need or desire to help others outweigh her common sense.
Fears/Phobias: Losing herself, not being in control, becoming the monster so many see shifters to be.
Mental Illnesses: none known

The ocean, sunrise over the water, being on the water, being in nature.  Outdoor activities -- surfing, water skiing, hiking, hunting fishing, camping, horseback riding, skydiving, bungee jumping, cowboys, Country Music, Sea Shantys, video games, dancing, dressing up
Trustworthy people
The feeling of job done well
Helping people

People who hurt others
People who won't help others (people who grab a phone for youtube instead of helping)
Feeling helpless or impotent, the feeling of being caged or limited
Not being able to count on the people around her.
lazy people

  Short Range Goal: Get help for the girls in her pack and get them and herself out of their situation with their current pack and find a new place to land, wherever that is, whatever needs to be done, no matter the cost.
  Medium Range Goals: Find employment, get a house, work on being accepted wherever she finds herself.  Prove to herself that being a werewolf and a that a pack isn't just what Steven showed her.
  Long-Range Goals: End Steven, her old Ulfric, and his goons so they can't hurt anyone anymore (more wistful dreaming but a dream nonetheless). find herself again.  Repair her family relationships that were destroyed by Steven and his pack.  She hates herself for being forced to give it up.  She believes she would make a good Geri for a pack

How does the character handle emotions of…?
  Anger: She is a slow burn, able to handle most situations by internalizing it but when she lets loose, she's a force of nature.
  Frustration: Mostly stoically and trying to improve herself against them, but pressure mounts with time…at work, uses it to focus and concentrate
  Fear: She's protective, a mamma bear, and prefers to face it head-on rather than run away but she does have her "gotta get out moments"
  Desire/Lust: It's been a long time since she's felt either of these on anything more than having to do it to protect the others.
  Emotional Pain (i.e. heartbreak): She had to abandon her family to save it and it broke her.  She's not a crier, mostly denying it, but it hurt her deeply and she doesn't know what she'll do if and when the pressure of being the girl's protector is over.

Starting power level 8 (rolled 7+1)
Alpha (+2 Powers)
Total starting powers 4

Powers 4
Quick Shifting - A Lycanthrope has the ability to ‘rush’ through the shifting process. Essentially, the Lycanthrope draws on their power, pushing it through them in a rush of power and causing their shifted form to ‘explode’ out of them.

Resist Moon’s Call - A Lycanthrope has the ability to resist the call of the Moon, and is not as easily affected by the lunar cycle.

Healing (Touch) - Lycanthropes have the power to heal others through a variety of means. Some heal through touch. Other’s require the sharing of blood. Some require the passion of sex. When selecting this power, choose one method in which you can perform your healing.

Partial Shifting - A Lycanthrope has gained control over their ability to shift, such that they can chose to shift specific parts of their bodies (I.E. hands into claws, human eyes into their animal equivalent)

|Powers|||||+1||+1||+1| +1||+1||+1|| +1 +1 +1 +1 +1

Lycanthrope Powers|Strengths|Weaknesses
Immune to Disease/Illness – Shifters are essentially immune to all infectious diseases/illnesses.

Enhanced Healing – The virus which infects Lycanthropes’ increases their metabolism, and as a side effect increases their ability to heal from wounds. Powerful Lycanthropes’ can recover from almost any wound other than those caused by silver weapons or fire, and even very weak individuals heal a bit faster than humans. Transformation can allow a Lycanthrope to regrow freshly lost limbs and critical body parts, although if the injuries are extensive or repeated they might not heal in entirety with a single transformation.

Enhanced Strength/Dexterity - Lycanthropes' strength seems to depend on their actual size and their level of supernatural power. Their strength is on par with vampires and they are fully able to fight off and even overpower them. Their strength is lesser in their human form, though they are still far stronger than humans. Likewise, Lycanthropes’ have increased dexterity, especially in their shifted form.

Enhanced Speed - All lycanthropes are extremely fast and can run faster than the human eye can see. They can equal or even outrun vampires with their speed, depending on their age.

Heightened Senses – Lycanthropes’ have acute senses, even in human form. In its most basic expression, a Lycanthropes’ heightened senses allow them to identify a person unique scents, identify other Lycanthropes, as well as other types of preternatural entities (unless they are actively masking their scent, i.e. Fae Glamours or masking charms).

Pass Unseen – As a Lycanthrope in it’s animal form you can blend in with other animals of your type, as well as with animals closely related to your type (I.E. Werewolves can pass themselves off as large dogs when moving about the city in their shifted form). This does not mean that a Lycanthrope whose animal type of not native to the region can go about unseen, quite the contrary. A Tiger walking through the streets of Boston is going to raise a few eyebrows, and likely get Animal Control called on it at the very least.

Silver Vulnerability - Just like all of the legends about Lycanthropes state, they are vulnerable to silver. Regular silver works, so don’t think you have to melt down your Grandmother’s heirloom broach to forge a silver bullet. This vulnerability extends to silver nitrate and colloidal silver as well, which are difficult to clean out of wounds. Injuries created by silver, silver nitrate or colloidal silver heal human slow.

Weakness to Fire - Just like silver, injuries created by fire heal human slow as fire cauterizes the wounds.

Moon Called/Bound - Lycanthropes’ are bound to the moon and to the Lunar cycle. In the week leading up to a Full Moon, a Lycanthrope can experience increasing anxiety, frustration, and anger. New Lycanthropes find the the normal stresses of everyday life can be too much. This week is generally when the newly infected will experience their first shift, and unless they are aware of and prepared for it, it can oftentimes be a very violent and bloody ordeal.

Base Powers
Aura of Power - Lycanthropes exude an aura of power than can be felt by those around them. Generally, mundane humans pass off the feelings of a Lycantropes aura as them ‘exuding strength and confidence’.

Beast Speech – Allows line-of-sight communication with animals of the Lycanthropes’ type. It allows the Lycanthrope to interpret the animals basic vocal and sub-vocal communications, as well as interpret body language to pick up on basic ideas and concepts (I.E. ‘I’m hungry’ or ‘I want to play’).

Hybrid Form - Lycanthropes can shift from their normal, natural, human form into either an animal or a bipedal hybrid. This hybrid looks like your stereotypical Hollywood ‘Werewolf’.

Partial Shifting
(Uncontrolled) - This power is similar to the Dominant-level power Partial Shifting except the Lycanthrope had zero control over it. When stressed or triggered in another way one part of the Lycanthropes' body shifts uncontrolled. The Lycanthrope cannot immediately shift it back.