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Welcome to Bouros Woods

23:47, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Glimmersteel Pommelguard

The bells are the first thing most people notice, the incessant tinging of the bells on his hat. Glimmersteel Pommelguard is his stage name and he strikes quite an impression for a man almost small enough to be a halfling. Glim, as he prefers to be called amongst his friends, though being so small suffers not from the curse of going unnoticed. His jesters hat wobbles to and fro and his wildly off color clothing shines in the light of day. Quick with a smile and a laugh he makes every tavern his home.

Far to the west of the Bouros Woods is another great forest called Widerglade. Its here where a community of halflings toil, talk and tip back ale. Their community is called The Wilderhome and is a peaceful place frequented by traveling merchants often. One such merchant was Donal Strause, a seller of fabric. He became acquainted with one of the local tailors, Muriel Ditherstep due to his frequent visits. In time they would marry and have a single child. A child born of two worlds, halfling and human.

By halfling standards Dunnry was a giant and he easily stood out surrounded by his halfling peers. As he grew, he quickly 'reached to the starsÂ’ like the large people of the world. The large people however didn't see it this way. Standing just under 5 feet he disappeared when surrounded by the other races. For this fact his mother kept him close in The Wilderglade. Dunnry however was always restless and didn't take to the life of a tailor and often begged to join his father on his merchant travels. His mother would have none of it though and so it was, Dunnry surrendered to the truth, he was destined to be a tailor.

When Dunnry was only 13 however fate stepped in when tragedy struck his family, and a fire destroyed the family home killing both his parents and took the family business as well. With nothing to hold him to The Wilderhome, Dunnry headed out into the big world unsure what would become of him. He fell on a traveling troupe of entertainers called The Band of the Winding Road.

He fell in and his natural nimbleness led him to the art of Knife Juggling where he was given his stage name Glimmerstell Pommelguard. In time he would come to discover the real activity the troupe used to make their wealth. Information gathering, item acquisition and the other shady acts of the night. He was as he found, surrounded by a traveling group of monks who hid in plain sight.

He trained under the tutelage of Samill Brigg and learned the ways of performing in the spotlight and sliding through the shadows. But this life was not to last. A vengeful property owner tracked the troupe down wiht a band of mercenaries and a night of wholesale slaughter began. Glimmersteel managed to escape, and he fled into the wilds of the Bouros Woods to escape the merchants vengeful hirelings.

Where he will go from here he knows not.....