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20:44, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ibis Mavett

Name: Ibis Mavett

Nickname: None yet

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Hair: Red

Eyes: Black

Distinguishing Marks:
Ibis has a single tattoo on her lower back:

General Appearance:

There is something about Ibis. She's a pretty girl with red curls and chiseled lips, but what sets her apart is her onyx eyes.  Those dark iris' tend to look deeper than just the surface.  They are contrasted by her pale skin.  She doesn't wear a great deal of makeup- mostly something to off set her eyes and lipstick- but it is always kept natural.

She tends to wear dark colored jewel tones and of course black.  Whether wearing jeans or a dress, Ibis tends to have clean lines with form fitting clothing.  She tends to keep her jewelry minimal, preferring to wear light chains and sensible hoops.

There isn't much history for Ibis.  It seems that she flew in from New York and rented a car to come to Stillwater.  She purchased Mrs. Barkey's Bakery when it came onto the market through a third party real estate agency.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Ibis is a warden of death otherwise known as a Watcher. (See below for more info)  She has been sent to find out what the hell is going on in Stillwater. She is in fact mortal.  Her family have been Wardens for as long as their history can be charted. There have been a lot of strange issues with the dead staying dead in Stillwater, and her job is to discover why and to solve the issue before actual death decides to intervene and send a plague or some natural disaster.

Upon meeting Ibis you will find her to be a charming and entertaining person to talk to. She is highly creative and a tantamount problem solver.  She loves a good puzzle and is quite friendly to chat with.  Her personality is quick to set people at ease, although you can always see something brewing in those eyes.

Ibis has a knack for analyzing a situation and determining the probability of what might happen.  She tends to joke that she's writing book, though she never takes notes.

In many ways Ibis is fearless.  She will walk into a room of strangers or an unknown situation with the ease of someone who has been around for decades.  She simply is that flexible.

Sexual Preferences:(Unknown) Watchers are not supposed to get tied up in mortal entanglements- though that may change.

Employment (Employed/Unemployed/Out of towner etc.): New bakery owner of Mrs. Barkey's Bakery

About Your character:
Ibis can be powerful if she so desires.  As a Watcher she can and does speak with the dead.  She also has the ability to hold a dying person's soul within them, but the rules of her order state that this can only be done until the sun sets.  Once night falls the spirit must be released.

Ibis herself cannot kill.  That is the job of her boss, but she can feel death's approach and on occasion can see him and speak with him if he so chooses.  When he gives her the power she can act as a conduit for him. (Though Ibis has not been given that honor.)

Her order is an ancient and organized group.  They have been confused with the Knights Templar, the Men in Black, and a slew of other organizations that may exist but do not actually hold sway over them. They answer to one authority- Death.  Their job is to maintain the balance of life and death.  Because of this they regularly deal with vampires (Loony mortals that kill people to drink their blood but are not in fact undead, cultists, serial killers, and other mass murders.  They also deal with supernatural hot spots where the dead outnumber the living.