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10:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Scarred Oak

Scarred Oak, "Ukkarrun Avree" in the Mazewood tongue,  is well-named. Weathered and tall, even for a son of Praamdi, he moves among the trees of the wood as if one of them.  With a heavy head and beard of coarse black hair, his mustard yellow eyes are piercing, and his tusks gleam.  He is not quick, of mind or body, but his arm is strong.  He can see through much that is hidden, and he knows the tongues of beasts.  He lives on the outskirts, a healer and wanderer, but he is known to the tribe.  More than one who found misadventure in the Wood have been succored by his hand, and his healing skills are sought, by those with the wit to seek them.

Scarred Oak wears mail and furs, a painted shield of willow and deerhide slung on his back.  He most often carries a heavy staff, and at his belt hangs a wide, hook-bladed sika-knife.  Around his neck, on a braided thong, hangs a carved bone sigil of the Red Mother.  A sling is wrapped around one arm, and a bag of stones hangs at his belt.