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Welcome to The Survivors

04:47, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Christine Mathews

Full Name  Christine Mathews
Nickname: Christy
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Occupation: Farmer
Nationality: American
Languages: English
Marital Status: Divorced
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Blood Type: O
Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 140lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Straight shoulder length
Complexion: Tanned
Body shape: Rounded but muscular
Overall Appearance:  When working she wears loose fitting jeans and shirt with her hair tied back in a ponytail.  Has stout leather boots nearly always covered in mud. Looks fit in every sense of the word from hours of working out of doors.

Clothing/Gear: Clothes as above with a leather tool belt with the usual tools needed for jobs around the farm

Personality: Goes about her work in a quiet thoughtful way but was known to let her hair down at County shows where she did stints as a country singer.   She is someone others go to in times of trouble knowing they will get a sympathetic hearing.

Notable Skills: Trained Vet.  Butchery skills, Can repair the sort of machines found on a small farm including tractors.

History: She was the only child of farming parents and was sent to the best schools where she did well.  She got a degree in veterinary medicine at the local university.  While studying she met an engineering student, Jason, with whom she fell madly in love and they were married the year after graduating.  She joined a veterinary practice in a small town and Jason worked in a machine tool factory nearby.

Life for the next two years had been a dream and they were thinking of starting a family when the bottom fell out of her world.  She got the news that both her parents had been killed in a car accident. She inherited the farm and felt honour bound to go back to her home and run it.  Jason came with her and got a job in a local garage but this was not the life he had signed up to and after a year of increasing arguments as to their future they got divorced.

She threw herself into the farm at first to cope with her grief but then she began to enjoy the outdoor life and became a well known person in the area.