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Welcome to Rosemont: Lords and Ladies

21:35, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lady Charlotte Liddel

Name:Charlotte "Lottie" Liddel


Gender: Female

Age: 19

Hair: Red

Eyes: Brown

Distinguishing Marks: Other than a slew of freckles, Lottie has a scar that runs through her right eyebrow.  It divides the hair with a thin line.

General Appearance:
Lottie  has a touch of wild to her.  She has hair that is curly and much of the time has a mind of its own. It takes hours to get the neat styles, the wavy updos that betray soft shoulders, a graceful neck, a fine athletic yet shapely build.

In appearance she looks very much like a fine lady, right up until she takes a step, makes a sound, laughs too loud and then snorts making her giggle all the more.  Under the fine dresses, her feet are sometimes bare, until she is forced to wear the ladies heels.

Deep in her trunks are her breeches and shirts.  Clothing unbecoming a daughter of a Lord, but oh so much fun!

Her eyes are energetic, her expression playful.  There is always a bit of a bounce to the balls of her feet.  She is a live wire crackling with energy and abandon.



She was given red hair because God in his wisdom needed to give her a warning label.  Lottie is so full of life that it practically explodes out of her.  She is full of the wood and the mountains.  She rides horses, shoots bows, dances with freedom, and loathes the confines of a dress.  She follows the family code "Hunting" down thieves and the like, but the truth is, she spends more time just being out- riding fast, climbing high, swimming in cold streams and ponds.

Never in a million years would Lottie ever imagine herself hold up in a monastery to get married.  Never did she imagine that she would be representing her family... her father.  Woefully unprepared- Lottie is still trying to figure out how to walk in heels and not give in to her passion to slide on the polished floors.  She misses the ale house- tea, polite conversation, and what are considered manners are... painful.

Still above all Lottie is dutiful to her house to her father.  She's come with the intention of somehow faking what she can't cram for.  In many respects her lack of knowledge will appear as a certain clumsiness that she covers with her quick wit and humor.  Heaven forbid her father is embarrassed by her.  Heaven forbid any of her sisters show up.  Heaven forbid the King really follows through on getting her married.

She is insatiably curious and adventurous.  She collects secrets like little pebbles in a box.  She collects pebbles too, among other trinkets.  Memories, smells, wishes, hopes, dreams... each represented by some token.

Sexual Preferences:  Hetero

House (Major or Minor House): 5th daughter of the Minor house Liddel

About Your character:

Lottie was born to Duke Ruadh Liddel (Brother to Caomhán) and Duchess Aoife Liddel she is the fifth daughter and the twin of Euwen who did not make it a season before his passing.  In order to deal with the loss, the birth was simply forgotten.  No birthdays held- just time rotating ignoring the loss of something tender and tragic and oh so painful.

Charlotte was not the first daughter nor the second, nor the third, or the fourth.  She came in a long line of girls.  She wasn't forgotten entirely- with womanly trainings easily avoided, Lottie ran, explored, climbed, swam.  She rooted out every nook of the keep, tested every wall, found every sliding panel and secret stair.

Eventually her mother realized she'd made a grievous error when Lottie was thrown from an unbroken Mare, cutting her brow, and breaking her arm.  Suddenly, at ten years old, the fifth daughter became a glaring beacon of unladylike behavior.   Attempts were made- classes were held, tutors brought in, rules enforced, but it was too late.  Lottie knew the secret ways of the keep.  She could slip away faster than a Nurse could pick up a needle and be gone for the season.

The training of the boys was far more interesting in Lottie's estimation.  She'd watch the archery lessons and then secret away a bow and quiver to try in the woods.  She'd practice at end until she mastered it.  Horses were the most difficult.  For that she had to succumb to her mother's wishes.  She wanted to ride... She was forced to do it as a lady.  She was forced to learn needlepoint, and sewing, and light conversation around tea cups.   She was forced into the awful dresses and to give up the breeches she stole from the cooks helpers.  (Her mother burned them- and she stole more)

While she was her mother's burden, she was her father's amusement.  Lottie, though neither of them would admit it, is her father's favorite.  She is free, and fiery, and kinds, and creative.  Being reprimanded by him, pains her more than all the broken bones in the world.  Usually there is a wink and a smile.  Usually there is an unspoken agreement that they will both assuage her mother while secretly rooting for the other to victory.

And then the King's decree happened... and she was eligible.  At first she didn't completely understand.  Eligible for what?  Four sisters made it clear.  Her mother looked as if she wanted to close Lottie up in a cupboard and go back to pretending she'd died with her brother.  For once, Lottie had to agree.

Her father's words sealed it.  He needed her to do this.  He needed her to prove the family.  To not embarrass her mother.  To not embarrass him.

The world's greatest poise and etiquette cram session began that night.  Dressers were called in, groomers managing the wild into a refined feminine form.  When she stood before her father, when all was said and done, he smiled, and she swore silently to do him proud.

The Lesser House of Liddel:

Duke Ruadh Liddel- Brother to Caomhán, is a good man.  He is better on the battlefield than he is in a Great Hall, but he generally has done well as the Lord of the Lesser House of Liddel.  Truth be known, he was always happy just being his older brother's right hand man.

When he was still fairly young he was married to Aoife.  She was and is a beautiful woman, who is elegant and almost regal.  There was no secret that Aoife did not enjoy being subservient to the upper house, so when the opportunity presented itself- she turned in the Hallgood Household (by way of her husband) for being traitorous to the crown.

The destruction of the Hallgoods due to the revelation of their various offenses to the the Kingdom brought about reward for Ruadh and Aoiofe.  The Lesser Liddels were given the Hallgood lands and property- The Valgrene.  While it it is part of the overall Liddel family holdings and Caomhán as the Arch Duke has say over what Ruadh does with it- the Valgrene is a Royal Vassleship given to Ruadh and his wife and their progeny unless somehow fall into disfavor with the King.

The Valgrene is a veritable jungle of giant, ancient oaks and other leaf trees, so big and tightly packed together that you could walk for leagues from tree to tree and never touch ground. With burbling brooks and secret ponds and lakes hidden under the blanket of green that stretches from one side of the valley to the other.  It is adjacent to the main Liddel property, so it was not difficult to incorporate when the Hallgoods were destroyed.  The family still is responsible to Caomhán for all the Liddel duties as well as maintaining the roads through the Valgrene, that constantly need maintenance lest they be swallowed by the foliage once more.

Unlike the main portion of the Weald, the Valgrene is lovely and mystical.  It is the colors of green on green on green- never finding the same shade twice.  Crystal ponds are hidden through leafy bows that reach up to the sky as if they are billowing clouds.  Ferns and moss cover the forest floor where waterfalls and brooks scatter like silver veins.

The Valgrene is a emerald jewel in the crowns holdings and is filled with forest life.  Deer and other wildlife move through the trees as the emperors of their domain.  It is the job of the Liddel Wardens to keep poachers clear from this area and to stop brigands and highwaymen from making it their home- sometimes with scant success, for it is easy to hide in the arms of the forest.

Ruadh has become the Lord of Goodhall, and his family has grown.  Unfortunately he is cursed with five daughters- and he allows his wife to control most of their upbringing.  His one son died in infancy, much to his sorrow which sent him into a depression and placed more of the running of the land on his wife.

Present- Ruadh is a distracted man.  He is aware that his wife Aoefe has stepped beyond the line of morality, but there is little he feels he can do at this point.  The King's game has opened up options, but hearing of it early- Aoefe ensured that her four girls were secure from being forced into marriage.

Aoefe is the queen of Goodhall and she rules it with efficiency.  Those who visit find her charming and polite, but there is a wariness in the staff as if they are dancing around a viper or a sleeping panther.  Aoefe is the epitome of a fine lady and enjoys everything being perfect.  The Hall is immaculate, her daughters are graceful and eloquent.

Aoefe has a problem with her youngest.  When her son died- she had been with the girl.  The boy was strong- the girl was not, and yet when she placed the boy in his crib he went to sleep and never woke up.  The girl squalled and lived- and she has never been able to forgive her.  Her one chance at giving her husband an heir was dashed by Charlotte- and when she buried Euwen- she also buried Charlotte as well.  Of course the servants saw that the girl lived despite all efforts to dismiss her from Aoefe's sight.  Once the girl grew old enough that she could not be ignored- it became Aoefe's struggle to raise her as a lady- but the child is too wild, to unkempt, a imp sent to punish her.

The Sisters:

Elspeth is the oldest:

Elspeth (25) is the spitting personality of her mother.  She is cold and sees herself as the heir to the land.  She is currently engaged to Lord Ragginah a 92 year old invalid who is unable to rise from bed.  She visits him daily, but refuses to marry without it being in a church.  She prays daily for his strength and then drinks wine with soldiers of her choosing.  Most of them when she becomes bored with them end up being sent off to somewhere horrible so she doesn't have to look at them.

Fiona: Second oldest:

Fiona (23) Fiona is her older sister's minion.  She goes everywhere with Elspeth and is her giggling toady to any cruel acts that Elspeth inflicts.  She is fairly stupid and did not do well with her studies.  But she is lovely but enjoys twisting the knife and kicking the person who is down.  She loves watching the destruction.  She also is betrothed to an elderly noble who has suffered a rather serious stroke.  He can do little more than point.  She has told him how much she loathes him and how she wishes he was dead, knowing he can tell no one or do nothing about it.

Isobel is the third oldest:

Isobel (22)  Isobel is not the thin thing like her sisters.  Her mother lovingly calls her dumpling.  She is the epitome of gluttony and sloth.  She is a temperamental woman with a jealous streak when it comes to all of her sisters.  She is the type who will break something and blame it on the maid (or Lottie) just to watch some drama.  She is currently betrothed to a infant that she can't stand being in the room with.

Yyvane is the youngest of the four recognized daughters.

Yyvane (20) is sneaky.  She seems like a friend to everyone, but whatever gossip that she uncovers goes to her mother and her sister's ears.  She is a friend to all the servants and seems to be the charitable one- but the bread is always moldy and the wheat she gives has weavel in it. But the peasants are willing to work around it because it's an effort.  The truth is- she could give better, but chooses not to.  Yyvane is the one that befriends and then betrays- and has done so to Lottie throughout her life.  She always makes it seem like Lottie misjudged her, misunderstood, or is just wrong.  She demeans people while making it seem like it should be a compliment.  Isobel has been betrothed to a young man her age, by her father- he fell ill and died despite Yyvane nurturing him with her soup.  Her last betrothal an infant

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
was killed when she pushed pins into the soft spot in the baby's head.
  She is currently in the year long mourning required for her fiancé.