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09:08, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Pietro Maximoff ~ Quicksilver

Name: Pietro Django Maximoff
Identity: Public
Height: 5'11" | 1.81 m
Weight: 180 lbs | 82 kgs
Hair: White/Silver
Eyes: Blue
Distinguishing Characteristics: Silver hair, the inability to truly ever sit still/relax
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Erik Magnus Lensher [Magneto, Father], Lorna Dane [Sister], Wanda Maximoff [Fraternal twin sister], Django Maximoff [Adopted Father, deceased], Marya Maximoff [Adopted mother, deceased]

Occupation: Mercenary.  Suspected Terrorist.  Former Avenger.
Legal Status: Russian citizen, wanted for questioning in connection with various hate crimes against humanity

Personality Profile: Outwardly, Pietro has an almost arrogant and haughty disregard for the people, and the world, around him.  Much of this stems from his perceptions of that very world; when you are capable of moving at speeds faster than nearly anything else in the universe, much less on the face of the planet, and the world around you seems to move along at a crawl, you tend to see things differently.  You respond differently.  Another part of the constant need Pietro feels to belong, to be needed.  Only one person has truly ever made him feel safe, secure - and that person is NOT his father.  All of these factors have blended with his father's constant expounding on the virtues of mutant kind and the failures and faults of humanity and has left Pietro with a skewed view both himself and the world at large.

He might be truly lost if not for the love of his sister, Wanda.  She is the only person he feels truly gets and understands him, the only person he would sacrifice all for.  Part of him hates that she has stayed with the Avengers.  Part of him wishes he had possessed the strength to return to her, or that he could join their half sister Lorna with the X-Men.  While his relationship with Lorna is no where near as strong with Wanda, he accepts her as blood, as family, and has found that while her idealistic nature is a bit frustrating, he loved her.  Though if he were truly think about it, the presence of Emma Frost, whom Pietro has found a strong attraction to, is as much of a pull Genosha as his father.  Yet every day he seems closer to leaving, to heading to New York and his sisters.

Sadly, despite his strong personality and will, Pietro can sometimes be easily manipulated - playing to his ego, his need to belong, his fears for losing (or simply disappointing) Wanda - all of these factors have been used against him by others in the past.

Background Details: Pietro and his sister had a troubled youth.  Taken from their homes, there are rumors that the twins were experimented on as babies, perhaps to harness or augment their latent mutants powers.  Eventually, they were found and raised by a Romani couple, Django and Marya Maximoff, believing the couple were their parents.  As they matured, and their powers started to develop, both children kept them mostly hidden.  Sure, the Romani camp saw the oddities, but the family-like culture allowed the children a bit of privacy, the air of anonymity.

All this changed when, desperate to feed his starving family, Django was caught stealing food.  The enraged village attacked the camp.  Fearing for his sister's safety, Pietro quickly ran the two out of camp and they spent the next couple of years on the run.

Eventually found by Magneto and convinced to join his brotherhood.  Pietro seemed to fall under the charismatic man's spell almost immediately.  This was furthered when it was discovered that Erik was their father, that they had a sister out in the world.  Finally, a family again!  Still, the actions of the Brotherhood did not always sit well with the twins, leading to an eventual schism, one that pushed the twins to the Americas and into the arms of the Avengers.

It was not long before Pietro's wandering heart began to beat fast.  The strictures laid forth by Captain Rogers and  Anthony Stark began to feel too restrictive.  Pietro begged his sister to run away with him but she felt her place was there.  With a heavy heart, the prodigal son returns to his father's side, head hung low - feeling lost and defeated, not knowing where the future would lead...

Powers and Abilities:

Hyper-Speed: Pietro's primary power is the ability to move at hyper-speeds.  Even as a young boy growing up among the Romani, he was capable of reaching speeds upwards of one hundred and fifty miles per hour and of maintaining those speeds for extended periods of time.  By time he reached adolescence, and puberty, he was pushing nearly MACH 1 at sea level.

To date, the upper limits of Pietro's speed are unknown.  Under the tutelage of his father, he has demonstrated running just over half the diameter of the earth (approximately 4k miles/6.437 km in this instant) in roughly ninety seconds.  This equates to roughly 160,000 miles per hour.  That is nearly forty-four and a half miles per second (44.4 to be exact).  In running a straight line from Los Angeles, California, to New York, New York, Pietro could make the trip in just over fifty-five seconds.

While training with the Avengers, Pietro has shown the ability to actually dodge blasts of lightning emitted from Mjolnir.

Over the years, through raining and the guidance of those who recognized Pietro's potential, the young mutant has learned several hyper-speed 'tricks'.  Some of those he had exhibited are: Enhanced Mutant Physiology: As with most mutants, Pietro's body is altered to withstand the effects of his powers, adapting towards the rigors running and hyper-speeds for extended periods of time.  Again, it should be noted that these effects have potentially been augmented further by rumored childhood experimentation.  His body has become more resilient to the rapid impacts, such as those caused by portions of his body rapidly striking various surfaces as he run, the effects of wind sheer, friction, and g-forces, and other potentially detrimental effects on his body caused by the rapid movement.

This has extended to both his hand-eye coordination, mental facilities, and reflexes, allowing Pietro to not only run at fantastic speeds but to react accordingly.

This includes, but is not limited to, the following.  Note: the exact limits of some of these abilities are, as of yet, unknown.  The silver-haired mutant has been unwilling to allow testing to be done by either his father's camp or the Avengers during his brief stint as a member.
Sills and Abilities | Known Weaknesses

Languages: Pietro speaks fluent Russian, Serbian, and English - and is capable of speaking all three languages with native accents (when speaking 'fluent English' it is more of a lack of regional accent).  He has also shown fluency in several Romani dialects.

Skilled Combatant: A brawler most of his life, relying more on his speed and reflexes than real training, Pietro found himself learning various martial arts during his brief stay with the Avengers, specifically under the tutelage of Captain America.  He has continued these studied under various members of Magneto's brotherhood.

Skill Musician: Pietro has shown skills in both the piano/organ and guitar.

Potential Mental Illness: Pietro has demonstrated both deep bouts of depression and sudden flares of anger and aggression.  The former has led to severe periods of self loathing and doubt, as well as the need to belong and be accepted.  The later can often only be overcome by either lashing out at the source or leaving the area.

Thoughts of his sister, or visiting her/hearing her voice, are often able to break Pietro out of these spells.