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Welcome to Elswin School for the Exceptional

10:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


The Basics

Name: Jacques (Joseph Étienne) Paré
Alias: "Old man" Jack
Age: 67
Gender: Male
Student, teacher, or Other Occupation: Janitor
Education Level Before Entering the School: Masters, Doctorate
Basic Description of Powers: Hyper awareness and Sensory enhancing
The Looks

Height: 5'10''
Weight: 145 lbs
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color and Style: Grey, balding on top
Facial Hair, if any: None, clean shaved
Skin Tone: Mat, washed straw
Body Build: Skinny, non-athletic design with lean musculature
Blood Type: A+, like his grades
Common Outfit Choices: A dark teal zip-up janitor one-piece, waterproof boots and a belt to which his janitor got-to arsenal is attached
Common Outfit Colors: Teal, gray, orange
Notable Physical Alterations: None
Any Markings or Scars: A large scar from the top to the bottom of his chest
Any Tattoos or Piercings: None
Alternative Form: None

The Mind

Do People View You as Kind? Around the school, most people do, and children tend to like me, but it hasn't always been the case, especially when I was younger.
Are You? Yes, anyone doing my job should be. Mean and clean don't go well together.
Do People View You as Honest? Yes.
Are You? I've lied before and I will do it again. My son used to play the drums, and even though I was very proud of him, he wasn't a Dave Grohl to say the least. Being a dad teaches you how to lie, and lie good.
Do People View You as Trustworthy? Yes.
Are You? I stand by my points and keep my promises, even if some have been broken for the best.
Can People Depend On You? Everyone does. I'm helpful and ready to give a hand anytime.
Why? I'm the best at what I do.
Would You Sacrifice Yourself? Yes.
Or someone else? Yes.
What Are Your Hopes and Dreams? I hope to live long enough to see the school thrive and I hope to see the day when the school doesn't have to be the only shield Exceptionals have to hide behind.
What Are Your Fears? I fear death and spiders. Birds tend to creep me out too.
What Secrets Do You Keep? I don't talk about what I saw in space. All in all, not many of mine, but every others' are well kept within myself.
Personality: Positive, hardworking, socially apt and wise. Usually collected and rarely angry but quick to argue and debate once interest or conflict is triggered.
How People View You: People outside of my circle think of me as reclusive and shelled, even senile. My relatives see me as stubborn and a little edgy. However, people ask me a lot of things, probably because of my age and because I am the oldest Exceptional and resident of the school, so they believe I am dependable and wise. They often learn that even a small "hi" or "good morning" on their way to class can make my day and they like this simplicity about me. Over all easily approachable.
How You View Yourself: Deep down, I don't feel as old as my wrinkles.

The Mechanics

What Are Your Abilities? Jack has enhanced senses coupled with additional senses added to his perception that allows him to feel and measure his environment with extreme accuracy and make precise deductions based on his observations. He can cover the blind spots in his sight, "see" through walls, notice very small details, hear conversations from afar that he shouldn't hear, read radio frequencies and sense presences that he cannot see.
What is their Average Limits? His daily quota of power usage is usually centered around the school ground. There is a limit to the accuracy by which he can recollect information the more his power's area of effect grows, like speech muffling or presences being "blurry", inaccurate in number or strength. The accuracy limit linked to the area of effect is a little like trying to count grains of sand in a bottle : you don't know how many there are, but there's definitely sand and there's a lot of it.
What Is The Furthest You Have Pushed Your Abilities? On a space mission to Mars, he successfully calculated atmospheric pressure and average wind speed without tools while aboard a satellite orbiting the planet.
What Is The Drawbacks of Your Abilities? Focus and accuracy increase over distance and area of effect can cause strong migraines, dizziness, numbing or fainting if maintained for long periods of time. Hyper awareness also translates to hyper-sensitivity, which may cause sensory overload or strong reactions. This hyper-sensitivity includes an increase to adrenaline responsiveness and effects of ingested or inhaled drugs.
What Other Skills Do You Have? His abilities help him know about a person's feelings. He can also share thoughts with that same person without the use of his voice and vice-versa.
How Do Your Abilities make You Feel? They used to make me feel nervous. Growing up with them made me feel like I was in total control of myself and my surroundings and made me trust my powers' passive advantages. They're effective tools and a blessing, when I look back.

The History

Who Is Your Father? Marcel Paré, a stout and proud man who believed in traditional values and worked in steel production. Deceased (46 years old). 35 from Jack's birth.
Who Is Your Mother? Linda di Lala, stay-at-home mother with a short temper and a belt, then hospital secretary after her husband's death. Computer savvy. Deceased (78 years old). 28 from Jack's birth.
Do You Have Siblings? Olivia Paré, younger sister, worked in accounting before modelling. Had interest in the occult. Deceased, murder (33 years old)