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19:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kara Lorensen

Name: Kara Lorensen

Nicknames: Firefly, Gingersnap

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Hair: Red

Eyes: Green

Distinguishing Marks: A heart tattoo on her left arm just below the shoulder.

General Appearance: Kara is a little on the petite side, only rising to 5'2" in height. Slender and lithe, with modest but notably feminine curves. She has a bubbly energy about her and seems to have trouble sitting still for too long. She has fiery red hair that she generally keeps somewhat short and deep emerald eyes that gleam with mischief and a sense of fun. Kara doesn't really have a regular style about her, wearing whatever she happens to feel like any given day.

Personality: Kara is a ball of energy that always wants to be active doing something. She's fun-loving and has a bit of a wild streak. She is extremely loyal to friends and family and would do anything to support the people she cares about. She can be a bit pushy when she has her sights on something and wants help from a friend in return, though.

Sexual Preferences: She generally thinks of herself as straight but gets 'flexible' when she's either very bored or drunk.

Employment: She's an exotic dancer at the strip club just outside town. Also, an aspiring writer.

About Your character: Kara has lived in Stillwater nearly all her life and as long as anyone's known her she's talked about her dreams of leaving. She's not shy about sharing her theory that the place has cursed her to be stuck there forever, though. Every time she thinks she might find her way out, something happens to root her back to her childhood home.

It started when she was thirteen and their family was absolutely going to move away because her dad got an awesome new job. They'd leased an apartment, set up her transfer to what would be her new school, hired the movers. Then, days before the movers came and they were going to leave the company that his dad was supposed to be hired by suddenly declared bankruptcy and all sorts of scandals broke about it. They lost a lot of money and the whole thing put a strain on her parents marriage.

Her next brush with freedom came when she was getting ready to graduate. Kara was all set to go off to college half the country away. Somehow they'd managed to save up just enough to pay her tuition and she'd been accepted. The night of her graduation they all went out for a big celebration. The next morning, her mom was gone along with all her clothes. Not only that, but she'd cleaned out all the savings in the account that had been set aside for Kara's college, leaving her and her dad alone and broke.

Fast forward three years and her dad saved up enough to buy a second car. With it she was able to put in more hours at work. In a few short months, between her and her dad they saved up enough for her to leave and try to set out on her own somewhere else. Two days before she was going to leave however, her car broke down. Again wiping out their savings and leaving her stranded.

It took a couple more years but her and her dad finally managed to get the car fixed and save up enough again. She did all the planning, lined everything up perfectly. This time, nothing was stopping her. Kara finally got to leave Stillwater behind. For five glorious months she found herself free. She started community college while working full-time to make ends meet while figuring out what she wanted to do with her life. Just as she was settling in and figuring things out though, her father suffered a major stroke.

So, back to Stillwater she went since he couldn't take care of himself and they didn't have any other family or close friends that could devote the amount of time needed. It wasn't her first choice, but she took a job as a stripper since it was the only job that paid enough on the shorter number of hours she could spare to pay the bills, since dad couldn't work after the stroke. And now she found herself once again stuck back in Stillwater. She's been back in Stillwater for five months but only very recently got things in hand to be able to start making time for herself between working and taking care of her dad.