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Welcome to Cyber Punk: Night City Noir

23:18, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Handle: Reaver
Cultural Origin: Pacific Islander (Mother a Pacific Islander, Father an African American) from a Reclaimers Drift Nation in the Pacific Ocean called "Sulufaiga" (Refuge in Samoan)
Age: 26
Handiness: Right
Languages Spoken: English & Streetslang

Common Knowledge: Reaver has been trying to build a rep in Night City as a Solo for about six months after moving there from a Reclaimers Drift Nation called Sulufaiga via the LA Metroplex. He was part of a small team who were earning well but he's recently had a major setback when two of his buddies in the crew were killed and he was badly wounded. He spent some time under the care of a streetdoc, at great expense, particularly as one of his shoulder tattoos was wrecked during surgery to repair his arm and therefore required bodysculpting and re-inking. The remains of his crew had gone their own way by the time Reaver was good to go, leaving him short of funds and in need of a job.

Detailed Background: Born on a Reclaimers Drift Nation in the Pacific Ocean called "Sulufaiga" (Refuge in Samoan), a floating island constructed around several abandoned container ships, he grew up quickly like all of his contemporaries, learning to swim before he learnt to walk, to fish before he could use a computer and how to handle a boat before he could read. By the age of eight he was working with his parents, either fishing or scavenging from the great Pacific trash vortex to find salvage to trade, and by the age of twelve he was off in his older sister's boat, increasing the area his family could cover.

He also learned to fight, initially scrapping with rivals but by the age of fifteen he had been recruited into the "Toa" (Warriors in Maori), a militia who's job it was to protect the members of the Sulufaiga community from outside threats. He enjoyed this enhanced role, particularly the training that came with it, learning how to use both firearms and melee weapons. He developed a particular interest in blades, everything from knives to machetes to, eventually, swords.

It was a good life but as he got older a feeling started to build in him that he needed more than the simple existence of a reclaimer scavenging at sea. He realised that he was bored and that he wanted to travel, to see something of the world and to find something exciting to do. Searching for salvage had become boring and he wanted more than that. A real wanderlust had grown in him and he needed to get out and away from Sulufaiga. Surly there was more to life than what he had experienced so far!

He watched a lot of entertainment vids via the communal net connection and a desire to travel to LA, where his father had grown up, appealed to him. A vast city, particularly one with such an undercurrent of unofficial community, appealed to him, in fact LA almost spoke to him, drawing him into the mythology of the city that was portrayed in the media. It took him quite a while trading valuable finds and hoarding the proceeds but eventually he had sufficient funds to get himself started on his journey.

The journey to LA by ship was complicated enough, bartering passage for various items or services but he made it to land eventually. The city itself proved to be a let-down, failing to live up to his naive expectations and rather than finding his fortune there he rapidly became one of the many homeless refugees living on the street, scavenging to survive. It was all too like his life in the Drift Nation he had escaped from but without any of the camaraderie and loyalty that existed within Sulufaiga. He considered returning home but pride prevented him from giving in and doing so. He had made the change and he wasn't going to go back a failure.

Instead he found himself running with a boostergang called the Chrome Snakes, recruited on a temporary basis by them as additional muscle in a turf war. They secured their territory and Reaver distinguished himself well enough to be badged with a tattoo of a cybered snake and to join the gang on a permanent basis. Their victory in the turf war proved to be short lived unfortunately as their barrio came under attack from another, better equipped boostergang, one with a Corporate backer, and the Chrome Snakes were scattered in the ensuing skirmishes.

Reaver decided that fighting an unwinnable war was pointless so he decided that it was time to move on from LA, managing to work his way northwards to Night City by trading his skills as a security guard to an independent haulier for a place on her truck. In Night City things started well for him after he made some useful connections and he managed to move up in the world, progressing from living in a cube to renting his own studio apartment, but it didn't last.

Description: Reaver has the hardened look in his eyes of someone who grew up poor, escaped to something better and never wants to go back. Physically he is of a little above average height with the lean and muscular build of a natural athlete. He dresses in an armored Urban Chic longcoat over cargo pants, t-shirt and boots with a cap, a hood and a snood to hide his face and sunglasses to conceal his eyes. Color wise he clothing is usually black with the occasional navy blue or khaki t-shirt, often displaying a band logo.

Affectations: Reaver has Pacific Islander style “titi” tattoos on both shoulders and upper arms, geometric patterns and spiralled shapes that were inked on him when he joined the Toa and became an adult in Sulufaigian society. He also has a tattoo of a silver (chrome) colored cybered snake on the inside of his right forearm.

Weaponry: Reaver's weapon of choice is a double edged, hand an a half monofilament sword in a psudo-Jian Chinese style, though he is quite happy to use firearms and carries a number of other bladed weapons as well, in particular the machete he was given by his mother when he joined the Toa.

His full rig includes the monosword on his left hip, the machete in a back sheath, a combat knife on his left hip, a Taurus Arms PT-1054 Heavy Pistol in an underarm holster and a ST Kinetics HCPW Mark IV Heavy SMG on a three point sling. Ideally all of these weapons are concealed by the longcoat he wears.