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22:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mallory Bonheur

Name: Mallory Bonheur
Species/Race: Human, Variant (Rousset)
Age: Young Adult
Height: 5'2"
Class: Wizard (Divination)
Background: Noble

Mallory is an achingly beautiful young woman, particularly amid towns where the people are often just as rough as the terrain.  Small in stature, shapely in figure, and lovely in features - she takes great pride in maintaining her appearance and is perpetually pristine.  She is always well-groomed and her clothing immaculately pressed, which frankly makes her stand out and draw sometimes problematic attention to herself, but she refuses to compromise on hygiene.  Her appearance is somewhat marred these days, however, by an often stressed knit in her brow and dark rings about her eyes that speak of sleepless nights.

Mallory is neither armed nor armored.  At best she totes a sturdy field knife (an essential no sane person would ever be without, regardless of social status) and a walking staff topped with a lantern, but she lacks the bearing of someone familiar with combat.  She is generally accompanied by a ashen-furred feline, affectionately named "Astre", whom she often speaks with as if he could actually hold a conversation with her.

Eldest daughter and heiress of House Bonheur; Mallory hails from a family of lesser "working noblity" who were given their title for service to the Rousset Kingdom rather than by any long-established lineage.  Her family gained their place through tireless labor on behalf of the Kingdom's people, plying their mercantile company for the good of the common folk.  Though well down in the societal ranks and considered little better than upstarts by the older nobility, the Bonheur family - and Mallory especially - hold their title with pride and seek in every way to deserve it through loyal service to their land and people.

Mallory herself showed an exceptional knack for magic at a young age, far before others of her same ilk, and sought to use her strange capacity for divination to further her family's fortunes.  For the most part, it worked quite well.  Though as she grew into a promising debutante, she found herself battling with the responsibilities of her station and her desire to continue her own arcane works.  The window of opportunity she has to make a name for herself one way or another is closing more narrow, leading her to taking more bold action perhaps unbecoming of a woman of her title.  The sort of gossip that comes about after she takes to the field in search of wealth and arcane rumors - often in the company of sordid "adventurers" of all kinds - is just the kind of thing that could endanger the family name she so wants to preserve.

Despite my noble birth, I do not place myself above other folk. We all have the same blood.

Noble Obligation: It is my duty to protect and care for the people beneath me.

I will face any challenge to win the approval of my family.

By my words and actions, I rink bringing shame to my family.

Name: Astre
Species: Cat (Fey Spirit - Familiar)
Age: Unknown, has been with Mallory since childhood

Astre is a ashen-furred feline who accompanies Mallory as her loyal companion and Familiar.  He is a cat and therefore an absolute bastard.  Despite this, Astre is hard-working, loyal, and loving to Mallory; the two genuinely consider themselves to be family.  Though Mallory does indeed bear powers of supernatural foresight and divination, much of her skills are the result of Astre's role as her spymaster.  Like any feline, Astre loves to skulk about unnoticed and takes smug pleasure in being one half of their detective duo.