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Welcome to Dark Huntress II

11:37, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Leialai

Type: Elfin


Very Good - Archery, Alchemy
Average - Perception, Stealth


Medicinal Expertise - Mixing the technological wonders of the capital with the knowledge of traditional medicinal herbs ensured that Leialai was turned to by various professions to cure their various ailments and sicknesses. Leialai pushed many boundaries and traditional taboos in her endeavors to cure known illnesses, but she never hesitated to do what others found distasteful, despite how much venom leaked into the words of her peers.

Mute - Due to experimentation with various herbs and mixtures, Leialai damaged her throat and vocal cords irreparably, as such she keeps her own company and very rarely entertains the company of others. This has alienated her from most if not all people on the island, as she is only sought out for her knowledge and her medicinal skills than for anything else as her muteness is stigmatized as a curse for her lust of unknown and potentially forbidden cures.

Animal Kinship - Leialai, since scorned by her peers, turned to the animals of the wilds to keep her company. While she worked for cures and medicines, she also discovered many different feeds and pastes that animals loved and slowly began to become a staple in the ever changing circle of life. Her silence and calm demeanor is welcomed wholeheartedly by most animals who bring their wounded or sick young to her for care. A local wolf pack near her home has since adopted her into the pack and often roams around the secluded hut in the woods that she resides, keeping all trespassers away, or at least warning her of danger with their howls.

Appearance: Leialai's bright blue hair and narrow, pointed Elfin ears are by far the most notable features that immediately stand out at first glance. A golden hair ornament adorned with three large blue topazes is set above her right ear and reinforced by a white ribbon with blue stripes that ties a majority of her hair back. Her eyes are a bright sky blue that reflects natural light easily in their warm depths that matches the serene, near angelic like face that lays beneath. She is of a fair complexion despite her time spent outdoors in nature, mostly due to the ointments and creams that she applies to herself that leaves her skin smooth and soft to the touch. She is not as strong or built as sturdy as most of her people, instead she inhabits a smaller, leaner frame built for running long distances rather than enduring harsh combat. She is adorned in flowing robes and fabrics that are loose fitting and comfortable, the white robes are outlined with large blue lines with white shapes that depict hourglasses and diamonds along the blue border.

Personality: Leialai is rather organized and knowledgeable, a personality trait that carries over into her profession and interests. She appears cool and collected, but in reality is very sensitive and easily gets emotional when accosted, though she does her best to appear affable. This is hinted at by her eagerness to please, always smiling and kind despite the dark rumors that she tries her best to ignore about her muteness and forbidden research. Her inability to speak makes her rather shy and distant despite her need to gravitate toward people out of curiosity. She has an inherent fear of rejection and being labeled as a freak, and is quick to bolt to the safety of a shadowed corner to avoid confrontation. Despite her more skittish personality, beneath the social anxiety is a steadfast, steeled persona of a researcher that has done and will continue to do everything in her power to see her goals realized. What she lacks in social skills, she more than makes up for in determination and confidence in her intelligence, a sharp mind with a drive to push limitations.

History: Leialai grew up in the central capital for most of her youth, though the call to the more wild portions of the island called to her more than the modern hub did and she often wandered throughout the day and even into the early evening. She was a talkative and well liked child and continued to be so even as a teenager, though she slowly drifted away from social events and circles to instead accompany her mother out into the wilds to hunt. While she excelled with the bow as many of her kind often did, she saw it as a means to an end rather than the true passion that it could be as her focus turned from hunting of animals to the gathering of herbs and the identification of rare plants and minerals. This fascination with nature and alchemy eventually led to her loss of voice as she ingested a near lethal concoction that she made, an event that drove her further away from her mother who attempted to forbid her from pursuing her studies any further. Much like her mother, her former friends and neighbors grew apart from Leialai as she continued her research and eventually moved into the wilds themselves, away from the whispered words and sidelong glances.