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Welcome to We Built This Here (Mostly Free Form Adult Narrative)

21:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Age: 19

Brief Biography: Rush is the name of a drifter that never left. Rush was a part of a raider gang, the gang met it's match, and she survived on her own long enough to wander into town. Honest life has been hard. Farming crops alone, in a strange community is not how Rush pictured her life going. She yearns for the thrill of the road again, but she is very careful not to remember it too fondly. After all, her previous gang figured out how to get themselves killed.

Rush doesn't have any family in the area. She arrived about 8 months ago and has had trouble fitting in. For a while there she was getting on pretty well with David Colt but the two haven't spoken at all recently and David seems to intentionally avoid Rush.

Description: Rush is thick and curvy in all of the right places. She is confident in her public demeanor, but behind doors she is far more likely to say what she is really thinking. Rush is something of a fitness nut, going out of her way to run and jog from place to place. It seems some part of her not so distant past of being on the move stayed with her after settling in Truck Stop. Rush doesn't have a lot in the way of clothing and accessories, but she does seem to favor dark colors over lighter ones. When needed, Rush will put on armor and grab her gun.


Attributes: 2
-Thoughtful: You and your big brain... +1 rank bonus to using makeshift tools to get the job done
-Durable: Tougher than most humans. +1 additional health level
First Wave Skills: 10
-Gardening 5
-Melee Weapons 7
-Maintenance 5
-Outdoorsmanship 7
Second Wave Skills: 8
-Gambling 2
-Firearms 2
-Carpentry 2
-Salvaging 2
Inventory: Pool Cute, Leather Armor, Colt 1911, 30 Bullets, Canteen of Water, Goat Jerky, 51 Caps, Cheap Sunglasses, Wrist Watch, Stack of CDs, & Pair of Condoms

Sexual Content: Medium
Parent: Rush does not want to be pregnant.