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Welcome to Dark Huntress II

01:42, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Nino
Race/Type: Panthera

Skills (proficient): Engineering, Stealth
Skills (average): Close Combat, Perception

Unique Traits: Cat Eyes(+-), Flexible(+-), Ingenious Inventions(+)

Cat Eyes(+-): Nino's eyes resemble those of her people's namesake. Her pupils are a vertical slit (unless dilated) and have similar advantages (and disadvantages) to a cat's as well. She can see well in low lit environments (but not in complete darkness) and she is very sensitive to movement in a wide arc around her. Unfortunately, her vision tends to be less reliable at extreme distance (short or far) and she maaaaaay be color deficient. (Calling her colorblind is a great way to wake up with a dead animal in your bed the next morning.) She has trouble with discerning closely matched colors such as brown-red and brown-green.

Flexible(+-): As the name suggest, Nino is quite flexible and can fit into simply bafflingly tight or small spaces (If I fits, I sits). The secret to being limber is being lean. Nino doesn't have as much muscle mass or the stoic sturdiness of the average Amazonian. Her best defense when getting hit, is not to get hit. ( disclaimer: not getting hit, while a great strategy, is not a featured advantage of this trait, that's what running away is for.)

Ingenious Inventions(+): Nino is a gifted and resourceful engineer. She has learned how to use anything and everything around her to supplement her lack of natural strength. While this generally takes the form of self-made specialized gear, she can and will make do in a pinch with whatever she can get her grubby paws on. In addition to crafting devices and specialized gear to help her in the field, she also makes some of her own clothing. (It's much cheaper to make the holes in the pants yourself than buy pants with holes in them, everyone knows this!)


Nino is much shorter and leaner than the stereotypical Amazonian woman. She stands around 5'2 and has a sinewy build more akin to a dancer than a warrior. Her most obvious features are her striking teal blue twin tails and deep ocean blue cat ears and (actual) tail. Her dazzling mint green eyes seems to peer right into your soul......(but really that look means you are too close and she can't see you well). In addition to her build, her clothing also resembles that of a dancer more than a fighter. The dark midnight blue of her very flashy if somewhat inadequate dancer garb is close fitting but not tight, allowing freedom of movement and standing out quite starkly from her ghostly pale skin.

Personality (Double Edged): Nino is a fluffball of chaos. She can be loyal friend, hard worker, and all around solid ally. She can also be a mischievous, rebellious, nutcase. (ie: a cat) She is usually fine to be around, but her rebellious side can make her resistant to direct orders and her mischievous side can lead to unhelpful (but hilarious to her) shenanigans. She is easy-going, albeit a bit excitable at times, and has a bit too much of a fascination with shiny things.

History: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
Growing up as a shrimp amongst a race of warriors, Nino wasn't seemly built to survive or compete with her peers. As the youngest child in her family and an assumed disappointment, she was looked over at many times(metaphorically and literally). She spent her resulting free time roaming around the tribes village, pestering the elders, chasing the livestock, and liberating food imprisoned by dastardly villains (aka the normal tribes folk). One place she frequented was an engineer's workshop. She was drawn in by the shine of the fresh oiled gear pieces and the showers of sparks made by some of the tools. She watched closely, first out of fascination but then with purpose. She was quick to pick up the trade, first by sneaking in at night and mimicking what she saw. Then, by apprenticing under the engineer herself (who was tired of losing materials in the night), she was able to adapt the techniques in a way that let her begin to excel in her own style. Playing to her strengths of quickness and stealth instead of raw brawn, using clever tools to add the extra ooph she couldn't provide herself. Nino learned to use anything she could get her paws on to her advantage, whether it be a bag of sand or paw and claw. She finally earned her place and now serves proudly with her comrades.

Current Equipment
1: Claws+Tailblade
2: Light Armor
3: Maintenance Kit
4: Modification Pack
5: Scuba Gear