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Welcome to The Survivors

04:47, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Victor Grimwald

Full Name: Victor Grimwald
Nickname: Vic
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Occupation: Survivor
Nationality: United States
Marital Status: Divorced
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Blood Type: O+
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 190lbs
Eye Color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Light brown, turns more blonde with more sun
Hair Style: Roughly kempt, growing out
Complexion: Somewhat tanned caucasian
Body shape: Rectangular

Overall Appearance: Vic varies his look depending on where he is going and what he's doing. Currently he's understandably a little unkempt but has maintained hygiene as best he could. His boots and jeans are a bit dusty, his hair isn't as brushed as it might be and he's got a few days' growth of stubble. He could be considered attractive but could be overlooked. When relaxed or trying to make a good impression he has easy, friendly expressions.


Dark green t-shirt
Hiking boots
Brown leather jacket
Leather belt
Arizona Diamondbacks ball cap
Police belt
*Hip holster with 9mm pistol (Glock 17, 17 rounds in magazine)
*Pepper spray
Hunting knife

Personality: Vic has seen things, and done things, polite society would find abhorrent in reality but would gladly tune in to watch. He has been on and beyond the front lines, in places that have gone to hell, trying to nudge it along or at least pull something of value from it, serving a country he was raised to love and people he both loved and feared. Now that his own country has descended into the kind of chaos and worse he's seen elsewhere, he's determined to make it through and try to save something worthwhile from it all. At his core he's an idealist, but one of his ideals is getting things done.

Vic likes pets and babies, innocent and unspoiled by the world yet. He enjoys art of many kinds, things that draw a reaction and speak about truths and the human condition. In the past he has done some oil painting as a hobby, landscapes, city scenes, some attempts at portraits and more often makes sketches. He's not particularly good at the paintings or sketches.

He is loyal and protective of those he sees himself as responsible for, but is also practical and loyal to the 'greater good' when necessary. While he puts priority on handling real, down to earth necessities and situations first, when the opportunity arises he also enjoys general BS and philosophical discussions to a point. He's more interested in what man could and should do versus more ultimately unknowable things like the existence and nature of god or the meaning of existence itself.

Notable Skills: Discipline, Unarmed, Covert, Firearms, Influence

History: Victor was born an army brat, moving around with his family following his father's deployments as a career army officer. When he was old enough Victor also enlisted partly due to family tradition, partly in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. He served a four-year stint in the infantry with combat deployments in Iraq. During his time in the army he married and divorced. He chose not to follow fully in his father's footsteps, mustering out as a corporal and moving on to college, getting a bachelor's in international affairs with a minor in sociology.

He was then recruited into the CIA, going through their own training, then working handling agents and working with paramilitary forces back in Iraq as well as in West Africa and Central/South America, influencing goals, assessing needs and providing training. Seeing what other societies could turn into he started working with his parents to set up the farm they bought as a family vacation home in the Virginia mountains as a safeguard against the unlikely but possible breakdown in the US due to some civil disruption, collapse from climate change or other massive disaster.

A disaster that arrived. In the earlier days he was sent to Phoenix to help coordinate among agencies in ad-hoc groups about the border situation, with expected increases in refugees fleeing health conditions below the border, sharing his expertise on the region and the civil situations in various areas. He and some fellows had taken a quick, disappointing weekend break to Las Vegas and were on the way back when everything really hit the fan. One of his colleagues was killed and he was separated from the other two escaping from the risen dead and looters.

Since then he has made his way roughly along I-40 towards Flagstaff, picking up some tools and supplies along the way, especially from a dead deputy and some tools from a home or two. He's looking to make it to or near Flagstaff to pick up more supplies then head up into the mountains to find a good cabin to hole up in for a while. Early on he managed to contact his parents and brother who were OK at the time, and his parents were heading to the farm. Since then as communications collapsed he hasn't had updated word.

Living or Dead Family
Father Gene Grimwald (alive at last knowledge, VA)
Mother Stacy Grimwald (alive at last knowledge, VA)
Brother Vincent Grimwald (alive at last knowledge, PA)
Ex-wife Monica Stevenson (no recent contact, unknown)
Maternal Grandmother Rebecca Cummings (alive at last knowledge, FL)
Various cousins, uncles, etc. unknown