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02:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Declan Draegoth

Name: Declan Draegoth

Occupation: Commander of the Mountain Army

Actual Age/Apparent Age: 315/early-30s

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Race/Species: Dragonkin

Appearance: Standing over 6 feet tall, Declan tends to own any room he enters. Though, it isn’t necessarily his height and broad, muscular build that draws the attention, but rather the way he carries himself. It is not hard to imagine him as a commander of troops standing on the razor-edge precipice of a war set to start at any moment. Long dark locks of hair stretch down Decklan’s back, stopping just at his shoulder blades, often pulled up halfway. Dark amber eyes take in everything around him, contrasting slightly with his darker complexion, the ever present scruff of a beard covering a strong jawline.

As if signaling to the world that Declan has seen much combat, a scar runs vertically from his forehead, slicing his brow almost in half, and down to touch his cheekbone before stopping, the blade that caused it having just barely missed taking his eye.

Broad shoulders fill out his form, with dark markings swirling across his arms and chest, markings found in all his forms, that have been there since birth. The marks of Dragonkin are the only thing in his “human” form that marks him as something more.

Declan has three forms, human, dragon, and a hybrid between the two. In his human form, he bears a strong build, one that thickens in his hybrid form, which adds dark wings with red tints along the spines. His dragon form stands easily 20 feet tall, bearing dark, almost black scales, highlighted in a deep crimson, making him seem almost to glow from within.

Personality: Declan is tired. Tired of the infighting. Tired of the constant negotiation attempts that only lead to yet another breach and attack, leading to more lives lost, more fighting, more patrols, in an endless cycle that has been going on his entire life. He wears his tiredness in his features, rarely smiling, only talking when necessary, his stoic features shifting into a scowl when he feels as though his time is being wasted.

Under it all, Declan is so tired because he cares so much. He dreams of a world where the petty battles between the Mountain and Valley peoples that no one truly remembers what are over stop in their nonsense. He has seen too much death, too many attacks to want it to continue, growling any time another starts. He knows there is a way to get the two sides to find a middle ground, if only they would listen to each other, rather than constantly arguing.

Abilities/Skills: Declan holds three forms - human, dragon, and a hybrid version between the two. While in either his hybrid or dragon form, Declan can breath a stream of scalding fire that sets anything it touches to waste. Likewise, in either hybrid or dragon form, he can fly. While in his hybrid form, the wings  sprout from his shoulder blades, and remain proportional to his size, making them smaller than in his dragon form.

Declan is also a brilliant commander, with the ability to see a battle shifting, formulating effective attacks that accomplish the goal, often with the least amount of losses on either side in the process. It is not that he relishes in battle and fighting, but rather in protecting his people from attacks, making him unable to attain the true berserker state some of his kind can reach - those that relish in the fighting, causing them to lose their rational minds in the midst of battle.

He maintains that steady head and hand seemingly no matter the situation around him, yet many are convinced it is less that he doesn’t reach it, and more that he contains it, holding all the wrath inside for when he deems it a truly worthy cause for such an unleashing. Yet, none have seen what might bring him to such a point.

History: Declan was born shortly after the first battles between the Mountain and Valley peoples broke out. He never truly understood the cause, since it was only ever explained to him that the Valley people were evil and attacked for no reason. This was due to the fact that before he grew old enough for his parents to think him old enough to understand, they were killed by raiders just after the first negotiations fell through.

All Declan knew was that the negotiations were to happen, and his parents were part of them, only later to find out that before they returned home from them, their party was attacked, leaving no survivors. Declan struggled to understand what would cause such an attack to happen when the two parties were supposed to be finding a common ground to form an alliance.

He joined the army shortly after that, slowly working his way through the ranks, in part because of his age. Joining so young meant none truly took his ideas seriously, but as he grew, Declan learned to watch, to remember, and to form his thoughts and actions based on what he saw both in the past and the present. He trusted until given a reason not to, and as such earned the loyalty of his men when he finally found his way to promotions.

Eventually, he rose in the ranks quickly, having basically grown up in the army and around the fighting and tactics. He understood them well, aiding his rise to becoming a commander. Even as high ranking as he is, however, Declan refuses to lead from the back, choosing instead to lead troops himself, whether it be a patrol or a battle, causing many of the other officials to look down on him, but Declan never concerned himself with those politics. The trust and loyalty of the men he led always mattered more to him.

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