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Welcome to We Built This Here (Mostly Free Form Adult Narrative)

21:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Height: 5'8"
Weight: 150lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Age: 28

Brief Biography: Edge, real name Kyoko, is close friends with Stacy Black, Skirt, and Heaven. She is one of the originals, having packed up and joined Stacy near Dallas. Edge is quite possibly the best hand to hand fighter in Truck Stop. But she is also an extremely capable gymnist. Edge spends a great deal of time hanging out with people from the security crews and her friends, but she can often be found in or around the saloon. Edge is single and actively looking for a mate, and it's not exactly a secret around town.

Edge is known to have a lot of caps. A lot. Nobody is really sure where she got them from, but she has them. She is quite liberal with them too, and more than once has come to the aid of Truck Stop leaders when they came across something the town needed but couldn't afford. Because of this, Edge is well liked by most people.

Description: Edge is a big girl. Not fat, just big. She is a little wider and taller than average, but she is also incredibly lean and toned. Some people find this incredibly attractive. Edge tends to wear what is comfortable and what allows her to keep her mobility. She usually lets her hair hang or keeps it pulled back into a messy ponytail. Lately, a few men have been able to report that she also has some interesting piercings.


Attributes: 2
-Athletic: "And the winner is..." +1 rank on skill checks where being athletic matters
-Fighter: "Easy now." +1 rank on skill checks involving physical combat without guns
First Wave Skills: 10
-Martial Arts 8
-Gymnastics 7
-Barter 4
Second Wave Skills: 8
-First Aid 2
-Melee Combat 2
-Outdoorsmanship 2
-Running 2
Inventory: Pack of lollipops, Pack of cigarettes, New blue lighter, 81 caps, 3 bottles of water, Chain with a lock on it, Leather jacket, "rigged" pack of condoms designed to tear or break, silver clit ring.

Sexual Content: Very High
Parent: By "accident"