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16:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Joran Almiraj

Name: Joran Almiraj
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11
Weight: 150 lbs
Age: 29
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Complexion: Pale, pale, pale
Birth Date: 1st Readying

Title: Prestidigitator
Description/Appearance: He does everything he can to NOT look like a fragile, over educated, stuffed short Magic User. And he mostly succeeds. Over educated he might be, but he's a scientist and an adventurer at heart and mostly that means he's ragged and dirty and looks like he just slept under a hedge.

Background: born in Greyhawk to a family that had money but not a lot of social class (his mother was a keen financier and had managed to invest the profits of her husband's shipping business into quite a sizable amount). Joran was the youngest of nine children, and the only boy. Be the time he came around, his parents were experts at haggling for dowry and marrying daughters off to baronets, but had no idea what to make of this headstrong, adventurous, keen-eyed boy who had no interest in soldiering.

When he showed an aptitude for magic, they leaped on the opportunity and bought him an apprenticeship in the household of His Ultimate Arcane Excellency, Viscount Kolar Briggs. Joran learned well, applied himself to his studies, but he wasn't happy cooped up in a library reading about how great the world was. As soon as he'd mastered a few spells, against the advice of his master, he left to see the world.

His interest in Narwell is its age and magical history. He is convinced there are great secrets here, buried deep, and if he can uncover them, ultimate arcane might may be his.

Notes: he's cool guy. You'd like him.