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Welcome to Elswin School for the Exceptional

14:03, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Maya Gordon

The Basics

Name: Maya Gordon
Alias: Packrat
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student
Education Level: 2 year Degree of Kinesiology at U of C in Chicago
Basic Description of Powers: Maya can duplicate herself (max 5 total bodies), she and her copies can turn into rats in up to equivalent body mass to herself, minor super human strength (Olympic level athletics)

The Looks

Height: 5ft
Weight: 146lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color and Style: Blonde, curly and below the shoulders
Skin Tone: Caucasian
Body Build: Athletic-thicc
Blood Type: O+
Any Markings or Scars: A small scar on her chin from tripping as a child, a small scar on her side from an appendectomy
Any Tattoos or Piercings: A small silver nose ring in her right nostril
Alternative Form: A varying number of dark brown rats.

Maya is short at 5ft even and compact in an athletic-thicc sort of way. She looks like the sort of girl who does crossfit maybe, with muscular thighs and a sturdy but curvy frame. A bit leaner up top than below she comes off almost a touch bottom-heavy but ultimately cuts a sleek and strong profile. Pretty in a mid sort of way, she has sharp, almost rattish features and a smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks with bright blue eyes and a tangle of long curly blonde hair.

Maya leans towards tight jeans (in a stretchy denim blend), hoodies, tank tops, and fitted leather jackets and manages to look somehow disheveled but hygienic at the same time. Not unlike rats, she spends a surprising amount of time grooming despite all the wildness of the end result.

Her expression typically conveys a surly weariness which she wears over a coveted curiosity and a well-buried but big heart. Despite the RBF she's quick to smile and a delight although she hates getting dragged into other people's drama and is surprisingly lazy and loafing for someone who spends as much time as she does up in the gym.

The Mind

Shrewd. Long suffering. Lazy. Maya isn't a bad person she just hates to be bothered. In every sense of the word. Not unlike the rats she can turn into, she is simultaneously a social creature and at the same time naturally suspicious and dubious of strangers and unknown circumstances. She often finds herself wanting to be near people despite her best efforts not to deal with them. That said, not unlike a rat, she craves companionship and once befriended she's an almost insufferably loyal companion.

Maya has a soft spot for rejects and anyone she can tell has a good heart despite their other flaws.

The Mechanics

Duplication: Maya can make up to 5 copies of herself complete with any mundane / non-mechanical gear she's wearing or holding (essentially anything without complex, electronic, or moving parts). This means she can clone a copy holding a baseball bat and wearing clothing but can't copy a handgun or a cellphone. These duplicates are her and she is them, all linked through a shared mind although duplicates can be unlinked at will.

Rat Form: Maya can turn into rats, ranging from as few as 1 to a number equal in weight to her human form. Each duplicate can do the same, allowing her a complete total of five times her weight in rat bodies. These rats are hardy and in their prime and incredible chewers and given enough time can tunnel, chew, or slide their way into most reasonable spaces.

Minor Enhanced traits: Maya's body is just... better. She's stronger than she should be (420lb max press), hardier than she should be (she doesn't even do cardio!) and more nimble than she should be. Her sense of smell is heightened and she sees well in the dark. None of this holds a candle to proper powerhouses or bricks but makes her a real threat (especially when duplicated) to your average person. Generally Maya is good at all the things rats are good at.

Weakness: Maya's biggest problem is herself. She's clever but lazy. She's resourceful but unmotivated. She could use her powers in all sorts of ingenious ways to enhance her life and the lives of others but is mostly content to avoid obligation and effort where possible. She has a chip on her shoulder that keeps her from being a better version of herself. Similarly she has a wide range of useful abilities and skills but lacks the true punching power of a ninja assassin or someone who can shoot lasers from their eyes or crush cars with their hands leaving her ill-equipped to go toe to toe with many more combat oriented supers when it comes down to it.

The History

Maya's childhood has been reasonably bland up until her powers manifest a few years ago. She grew up in Chicago, in a small cozy apartment with two moms. The product of invitro fertilization, she's the biological combination her mom Theresa's egg and a donor, brought to term in her mother Edith's body.

Despite their best efforts, Maya grew up heteronormative and plain, a city girl in a city world making friends and taking chances. Maya has always been social but a little bit warry, more comfortable with shared hobbies or shared activities than sitting in direct company and socializing.

Her powers manifest at puberty and in, as is so often the case, the worst possible way. In her case, it was at a birthday party. Everyone had been invited to join in on a trip to Six Flags. No uncommon in such a space the parents chaperoning split the kids into groups so they could roam around mostly untethered. It wasn't until three groups all ran into one another later that they realized there were a few too many Mayas. The ability to link her bodies through one mind would come later with more familiarity. The experience was shocking and confusing for everyone, including all three Mayas, who were adamant they were the real one. Of which none were. The real Maya had snuck off with a boy named Skylar to go on a rollercoaster.

From there her powers continued to blossom slowly. A year later, just as her duplication was seemingly under control, she started sleepwalking-- as a rat. And then as rats. Which wasn't a problem until her mother almost murdered her with a broom only for the rodential raider to spring back into Maya's terrified and naked self.

The more Maya's powers blossomed the more she came to prefer her own company, happy to split off in three or four unlinked directions, have a whole day, and then come back and recount it to herselves. This began to put a strain on her relationship with her family, her adopted younger sister in particular. Previously the pair had been inseparable ever Chloe's adoption at the age of 8 to Maya's 9. This would lead Chloe to exposing Maya's rattish nature to their peers early in Maya's senior year, branding her somewhat of a reject. Maya would ultimately transfer to a different school to finish out her Grade 12 before taking a gap year and then going off to U of C.

The distance has been good for the girls, and their mothers, and slowly the tension and difficulties are starting to ease as Maya blossoms into a young woman with more wherewithal. That and it's easier to deal with your strange super-powered daughter when you don't run the risk of finding rats lounging around the house in unexpected places.

Maya similarly enjoyed a gap year abroad in Europe where she spent much of her time exploring her powers and abilities in Italy and Spain sewing wild oats and letting go of old wounds. Once a part of the girls lifting squad in high school, Maya had to give up that hobby when her enhanced strength became apparent. Working out still comes as a pleasure and a delight to her though she hates always being the youngest woman in the powerlifting gyms and so prefers to sneak in at night to lift.

After her gap year she came back, did 2 years at U of C specializing in Kinesiology, staying mostly to herselves, and then got her letter.