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08:17, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Namor ~ King of Atlantis



FACTION: Avengers


~ Expert Combatant: Namor's extended lifespan and his involvement in numerous conflicts both under the sea and in human wars have granted him a great deal of experience in hand to hand combat. Growing up, he demonstrated natural skill in both armed and unarmed combat and likely received extensive training in both later on. He is a master swordsman, marksman, and is capable of wielding other weapons such as spears but rarely does so due to his preference of hand to hand combat.

~ Bold Diplomat: Namor is also a highly skilled leader and capable ruler.

~ Multilingual: Namor speaks virtually every language on Earth.

~ Skilled Engineer: He is adept at designing and improving Atlantean technology.

~ Talented Business Executive: Ever since he was a teenager, he proved to be very adept in the field of business as it came easy to him.


~ Superhuman Strength: Like all Atlanteans, Namor is superhumanly strong but his physical strength is greater than that of any member of his superhuman race. The exact level of his strength is dependent upon his physical contact with water and his strength diminishes slowly the longer he is out of contact with it. Out of the water, Namor was able to defeat Luke Cage with ease, and use his body as a club to knock out the She Hulk by striking her by surprise from behind. He was shown as an even match for the Thing in the same issue. Under water, he battered the Red Hulk and stopped him from getting to the surface until he threw him out. Namor has in an occasion even knocked out the Savage Hulk. He has been seen several times lifting thousands of tons without effort. Namor has once swam against a temporal storm for a brief period, even pressing on despite getting dehydrated by that act. Furthermore his physical prowess is so great that he has been referred to as one of the most powerful beings on the planet.

~ Underwater Breathing: Like all Atlanteans, Namor can breathe indefinitely underwater due to having gills located behind his ears. Unlike most Atlanteans, however, Namor can also breathe on land indefinitely as well without the aid of breathing devices whereas most Atlanteans can only survive being out of the water for a matter of minutes.

~ Flight: Namor also possesses vestigial "wings" on both of his ankles, by which he seems to fly at the speed of escape velocity when exerting himself fully. His flight speed at "normal" levels is enough to enable Namor to fly faster than military aircraft. Since the "wings" by themselves could never carry Namor, it has been speculated that he uses the wings for steering and flies in some other manner, perhaps by telekinesis. Namor's ability to lift weights when flying is sufficient to enable him carry a fifty ton anchor with one hand without a discernible loss of speed/momentum.

~ Superhuman Durability: The tissues of Namor's body are much harder and more resistant to physical injury than those of normal human beings and most other Atlanteans. Namor can withstand tremendous impact forces, high caliber bullets, falls from orbital heights, exposure to temperature and pressure extremes, blows from powerful superhumans and powerful energy blasts without sustaining injury.

~ Aquatic Healing: If he was somehow injured, Namor's body can heal damaged tissue faster and much more extensively than a human or most Atlanteans. Namor's accelerated healing is at it's peak while he is immersed in water and does diminish the longer he is out of contact with water or if he is completely dry.


Namor looks human with a strong athletic build but his ears are pointed, has wings growing from the ankles on his feet and typically is dressed in either a green bathing suit or a black body suit.


The son of an American sea captain & an Atlantean princess, Namor grew up in the ocean with his powers manifesting at 12 years old. Upon reaching adulthood, World War II had broken out and Nazi U-Boats patrolled the Atlantic - one such ship attacked and sank an Atlantean submursible fishing vessel mistaking it for an allied vessel.

Namor declared war on the humans and their strange subs and sank any ship bearing an Iron Cross insignia, inadvertenly aiding the Allies in the North Atlantic. After the war, he was crowned king of Atlantis but his first act was to deal with Lemurian incursions into their territory. Rallying the forces of Atlantis, Namor led his people against the Lemurians. However he and his people did not cound on their leader possessing a magical artifact, the Serpent Crown.

The lemurians defeated the atlantean forces and destroyed Atlantis. Namor himself was teleported away form the battle and given amnesia. Finding himself in New York, he became a derelict, living among the homeless of the city - he lived this way for the next two decades until he was caught in a house fire in an abandoned home that several homeless were using as shelter. With his clothes catching on fire, he ran into the nearby East River, where the water restored some of his memory. Swimming to a known nearby atlantean outpost, he saw it destroyed but surfacing he spotted a nearby nuclear testing facility on an island not too far away.

Still with his memory only half restored, he thought it was surface dwellers that caused the destruction of Atlantis and swore revenge on the surface - thus began a enemy/friendship with the surface world (This part of the Namor history will remain unchanged, starting with his attack against the Fantastic Four using Giganto) for the next 30+ years. During a combined atlantean/lemurian attack on the surface world led by the atlantean barbarian warlord Attuma, Namor managed to stop the invasion but was believed killed.

He was found a few months later by Caleb and Carrie Alexander, a father/daughter divers/marine biologists in the South Pacific. Driven Mad by his ordeal during the attack by Attuma, he was nursed back to health by them and it was Caleb who discovered the cause of Namor's sometimes irrational rages - a chemical imbalance caused by his unique atlantean/human physiology; Being in water or air for too long caused the imbalance which caused his irrational rages. They created a monitor for him that would alert him to seek air or water before the imbalance would make him irrational and succumb to the rages.

This allowed Namor to control his metabolism for the first time in his life. Determined to continue to preserve the oceans and find and gather his people, Namor raided sunken treasures to finance his purchase of an international company he renamed Oracle, using the Alexanders as proxy buyers. He currently runs this company and will try to reunite with his people who are scattered throughout the sea and rebuild Atlantis.


This incarnation of Namor will be more in control of his faculties as opposed to the rages he has succumbed to in the past. Being a CEO of Oracle Inc. gives him a more Tony Stark aspect to him, allowing him to deal with surface dwellers in the only language some of them know - Money. He is still somewhat arrogant and a little bit of a snob since he is royalty and knows it. Rebuilding Atlantis will be his goal as there will be some who will be opposed to it (Attuma & the Lemurians come to mind).