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Welcome to We Built This Here (Mostly Free Form Adult Narrative)

23:17, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Marigold Hall

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Age: 31

Brief Biography: Marigold Hall grew up in a tightly knit community called Broken Train, so named because their regular base and home was in the remnants of a train that had died dead on the tracks in southern Idaho. Her community were strong advocates for living peacefully and for retaining the best parts of the good old days. To this end she was taught to read and write, listened to music and learned to play it, and extensively spent time foraging for food and cataloguing what plants and animals had survived to prosper in this new world.

All of the members of her community were named after authors, artists, or characters in books and works of art as an attempt to carry on the great culture so it wasn't completely lost. She was a typical member of her community, albeit more stubborn and pig-headed than most. Marigold's great interests were in the outdoors and she spent most of her time exploring the outdoors while foraging food.

Six years ago a sickness swept through the community. It was indiscriminate in who it killed, so eventually Marigold's ragtag group of explorers became wasteland wanderers. They were secretly terrified of contracting the illness so they just never went back. Instead they wandered farther south to find some protection from the winter cold.

Marigold recently broke her leg and while it healed effectively, she'll never be as mobile as she was. The action devastated her, and she's searched for a safe place to call home. Maybe she can help the people by teaching them to write and read, and can add her expansive knowledge of the outdoor world to their records.

The current status of Broken Train is unknown. The community may well have survived, but there's been no way to contact them.

Marigold's incredibly lucky youth with a stable home and regular meals helped her to grow into a strong and healthy woman. The recent years of nomadic wandering have stolen some of her feminine shape but it's a cosmetic loss at most, and she still has all the right curves in the right places. In fact she is very attractive underneath the normal days grime from the trail. Firm and pert breasts, strong legs and muscles, and a musculature built from work and sport support this.

Her voice is rather high and almost tinny and she is often humming or singing a song, something she does as easily as breathing. Marigold wears utilitarian garb that is exactly what you'd see on any other nomad; it's far from appealing but it's strong and reliable. In her bags she's packed up a few scavenged pieces of nicer, more intimate clothing, but has yet to find a reason to wear them. In the right places she's comfortable wearing the least clothing possible and gets a thrill out of doing so, but understands this is a dangerous world where people will hurt her if they are tempted.

The Broken Train was very keen on personal hygiene and it's a trait Marigold holds true to. She's got freckles across her body in random splotches and has several basic tattoos of geometric shapes and lines. Her left leg was broken almost a year ago and the longer she's on her feet the more pronounced the limp becomes.


Attributes: 2
 - Durable: Marigold is strong and tough and has a high pain tolerance
 - Curious: She is very bright and learns quickly and readily

 - Stubborn: Even when Marigold knows she's wrong about something, she digs her heels in and stands her ground

 - The Girl Next Door: She's cute and attractive and knows exactly how to brandish her sex appeal without it seeming forced

First Wave Skills: 10
 - Naturalist 8 (3 + 5): Marigold is as much a part of the outdoor world as the birds and the bees and she has an extensive knowledge regarding plant identification, predicting weather patterns, and finding the safest places to take shelter
 - Reading and Writing 6 (3 + 3): Taught at an early age, Marigold is an avid and strong reader and is always (ALWAYS!) looking for new material. She has read many novels and can write effectively and produce accurate but not artistic sketches
 - Music 5 (3 + 2): Her community advocated learning to play music instruments as best they could, and Marigold learned it readily. She can play the guitar, keyboard, and sing proficiently

Second Wave Skills:
 - Cooking 2: She'll never be able to duplicate anything she cooks but Marigold has an interest in and ability at improvising ingredients into a (usually) tasty meal
 - Gardening 4: While they had seasonal gardens at Broken Train, Marigold never excelled at the craft. She's better with ornamental plants and can still grow peppers, onions, and garlic successfully
 - Firearms 2: Broken Train had one carried a shipment of firearms when the world was running and while many of them were destroyed, enough survived in working order to provide the settlement plenty of firearms to work with
Inventory: Two ruck sacks containing her personal effects (detailed below), an old hunting rifle (30.06) with sixteen rounds, a sawed-off 12-gauge shotgun with six shells remaining, a guitar with one last extra set of strings to go with it, half a bottle of whiskey that's going fast

Her rucksacks were carried by her horse, an animal she traded to her former companions in exchange for the shotgun she now carries. They are too large for her to carry by herself but now that she's here at Truck Stop, she hopefully won't need to. The packs contain a few outfits including the aforementioned nicer things she's yet to wear, a couple of toothbrushes and toothpaste she's rummaged, a considerable collection of books she hopes to teach people to read, and various notebooks and pencils/pens that still work. She has several cassette tapes but no player to listen to them. Most important and jealously guarded is her lifelong work; hand-drawn journals detailing the outdoor world. Her goal was to create the definitive guide to the outdoor world, and while she can't explore like she used to Marigold can now work on putting it together.

Sexual Content: Very High (Marigold has a constantly simmering sex drive and is open to frequent/random encounters with the right partner; she is open to experiences with men, women, or a combination thereof)
Parent: Once upon a time this would have been a hard pass for Marigold, but as she gets older and is suddenly sedentary she wonders how awful an experience it would really be (As a player I have very little interest in RPing a woman becoming pregnant or carrying a child, but I understand this is a part of the story)

Sexy Dirty World