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Welcome to Pathfinder-Retirement Sucks

15:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Petite but strong and agile, Tiriel has long dark brown hair that covers the slightly pointed tips of her ears.  Her eyes are a deep emerald green that can sparkle with mirth or darken with anger.  She stands a little over five feet and has a strong yet feminine form from years of living off the land.  She wears studded leather armor and carries two short swords, an axe, daggers, and a longbow.  She travels with a wolf the size of a horse, a male she named Thandraug which means shield wolf in Elvish.

Background: Born between two worlds, Tiriel lived mostly with her human father, Tomas.  He was a trapper who had been gravely injured.  Her elven mother, Amaniel, was one of the healers who tended to him and being quite young and impetuous fell in love with the rugged man.  Yet the birthing process was difficult and something Amaniel never wished to endure again.  The pain as well as her child looking more human than elf was enough to cause a wall to form, basically severing the maternal bond.  Though it broke his heart, Tomas left once Tiriel was five summers old.  He moved in with his sister, Talia, and her family so the child would know a real family.  Tiriel was quiet and always watching everything and everyone, learning quickly, especially when it came to anything her father did so she was often out in the forests with him learning to track, trap, and hunt.  Alas the quiet life was shattered when the troll wars began.  By that time, Tomas was too old to join but she knew she had skills that could help the Grand Duke who she had heard through many tales was a good and fair man.  She was hired as a scout by the Golden Lions and served by helping track and take down the trolls and other wicked creatures.

Since the last war: Once the war ended, Tiriel returned to her aunt's home.  It was just in time as her father's health was rapidly declining.  He passed quietly, eyes shining with pride in all that his daughter had accomplished.  He urged her to find love and have her own family, something she said she would consider if she ever found a man who didn't mind a rough and tumble woodsy veteran.  These years have found her mostly in the forests and mountains, doing what she did before the war, selling the furs and meat.