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16:21, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


James Von Besseck - “Neuromancer”
Power Set: Mental Technology


James was born a mental prodigy. He was able to understand advanced concepts and ideas from very young, and even exhibited a modicum of psychic ability, being aware of mental and psychic phenomena since his early childhood.

Growing up he would become bored with his conventional education, and frequently found himself drifting at school, which would prompt him to “run away” or “zone out”. He finally found a focus when he was placed in a highly gifted program and learned to master his abilities without the interference of a standard curriculum.

At the age of 18 he had already graduated from a university with mechanical and electrical engineering degrees, and had published a number of highly advanced dissertations on mental/neural techniques. These advances led him to the creation of Bess-Tech, currently the world’s leading neural technology research privately-held company. Through Bess-Tech, he is able to put his great intelligence to use. He conducts extraordinarily advanced research, leading various projects to provide the world with advanced limb prosthesis replacements, and brain reconstruction technology for highly complex injuries. His most prolific results come from the benefits he has achieved for military veterans suffering from traumatic physical or mental injuries.

His personal philosophy is to use his powers and wealth to the benefit of all, without malign applications of any kinds. He maintains fair dealings with all his professional and business relationships, believing that “all things balance in the end”. For that reason, he also maintains an extensive network of philanthropic contacts, and has a hand in many charitable organizations.

Due to previous interviews with the U.S. military, and several shadier encounters with their agents, James has a highly antagonistic relationship with several agencies of the U.S. government’s intelligence branches. He has also made enemies of a number of corporate leaders, in the medical and technological fields, who would venture to use his technologies with malicious intent. James keeps strict security protocols for all his employees, and personally scans everyone who works at his company.

James is a very liberal business leader, and has gathered under his corporate umbrella great minds who enjoy the time and funding Bess-Tech provides for liberal and positive-oriented research and development.

Due to the potential for misuse of his technology, James keeps the most advanced developments for himself. His neural amplification matrix inventions are what keep “Neuromancer” at the forefront of his field.

(One of the more controversial aspects of his business leadership is the creation of the public psychic research branch of Bess-Tech, Esper Tech, which seeks to discover and guide burgeoning psychics in the use of their developing powers for the benefit of mankind, as well as learn about such abilities and their positive applications.)
Due to his public identity and great wealth, James frequents high society circles throughout the world. He is often well-informed in worldly events, and has an extensive networks of contacts from which to draw information. He is politically active in causes and with organizations which he deems are doing the greatest good for people.
However, he is often viewed with suspicion due to his known abilities at mind-reading and mind-control. Nonetheless, this is frequently mitigated by his publicly declared “positive use”, and his many previous legal victories against petty and super-powered criminals.

James abstains from alcohol, smoking, or drugs of any kind, declaring that it “clouds the mind”. He is sociable without being narcissistic or vain, and keeps a mental and spiritual balance with a personal routine of exercise and meditation.

He is engaged to be married to Jamie Lockholme, a former research assistant of his, who is currently undergoing training in Esper Tech, where he discovered her latent mental abilities.

Due to his extensive mental abilities as “Neuromancer”, James is often consulted by legal professionals in highly complex cases for discovery and fact checking. His specialized method of evidence gathering does not involve personal statements. Instead, he discovers details for the case, and presents the physical evidence for others to evaluate and arrive at their own conclusions. It should be noted that legal precedent states that a person may refuse mental examination by pleading the 5th Amendment and their right to refuse self-incrimination.

James has a number of personal enemies, made throughout his career as a crime-fighter. Included among them are all manner of mercenaries and saboteurs, who, for one reason or another, have attempted to undermine, or steal, his research for their own purposes. Included in this list is a vast selection of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd world countries, who would enjoy his technology for extensive political and corporate espionage, as well as covert warfare.