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Welcome to Rosemont: Lords and Ladies

23:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lady Edana Wyndham

Name: Edana Wyndham

Gender: Female
Age: 23
Sexual Preferences: Heterosexual but very much a late bloomer. She admires strong women enough to be considered bi-curious.

Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Light Hazel

Distinguishing Marks:
・Three beauty marks forming a triangle below her right ear.
・The tip of her little finger on her right hand does not bend, having once been broken and healed poorly.
・A beauty mark right in the middle of her left kneecap.
・Often carries a foldable iron wall fan.

General Appearance:
Like her sister, Edana has dark brown hair, though she has inherited more of their mother's curls than her siblings. Her curls frame a feminine face with a sharp jawline and high cheekbones, full, well-defined lips prone to smiling, and hazel eyes. Her eyes can seem warm and kind, fiery and sharp, or dead and cold, all depending on her mood and how she wishes her mood to appear. A great actress, it's often hard to tell if what you see in her expression is real or not.

Edana falls slightly short of average height, and her body seems delicate and inherently graceful, her skin pale and unblemished. All of her moves are precise and she exudes a confidence that seems to conflict with her small stature and physique. The stamina and flexibility she shows at the balls where she dances from start to finish likewise seem at odds with her physical abilities. It is, however, the only form of physical activity the lady is used to and has ever been seen doing. No musculature befitting of riders, swordsmanship, or the like is found on her, though she does seem to be surprisingly limber.

The wounds she does get are mostly paper cuts, but even these will usually be hidden by gloves to present a perfect appearance. The only part of her that she allows to be even slightly out of place is her curls, because she finds their charm works better if left to their natural devices.

Current Attire:
Morndas Evening

(Without a train)

House: Wyndham (Major)

Edana seems to be whatever she wants you to think she is in the moment, a social chameleon whose true nature is hidden so well, not even her family knows it. A few things are obvious, of course, like her love for all things exciting and fun and her penchant for meddling, but the motivations behind those traits are known to no one but herself. The oldest child of the Wyndham household seems to burn bridges and build connections on a whim, yet somehow always gains more than she loses.

It's also apparent that she is highly intelligent and cunning, almost frighteningly so. Her interest in the inner workings of people combined with her quick wit means she is rarely taken by surprise in social interactions, whether it be with others of the nobility or the common folk. Those who find themselves on the receiving end of her machinations believe her to be calculative and manipulative, and they would be right to think so. The warmth and kindness she displays on occasion are rooted in her real feelings, but it suits her fine that others doubt her as it means they have failed to get a clear read on her.

That's not all she is, however. Deep down, Edana is surprisingly romantic and faithful not only to her family and the crown, but to the people and future of Breiton as well. Her dream is to shape the kingdom to be one of the most prosperous to ever exist and go down as one of the most prominent lawmakers in history. As for romance, she'll have you believe that it's beneath her, the silly daydreams of ladies with nothing important to do while in fact, she's a firm believer in one true love. She believes that if The Maker had meant for her to be married to any of her previous suitors, her ploys to thwart the betrothals would have failed. Had that happened, she would instead have changed tactics and done her utmost to make her fiance fall head over heels for her.

Once you earn her loyalty, she is fiercely protective of you, and this extends to both of her siblings as well, even though it is expressed in vastly different ways. A keen reader of all Ainian literature, she also has a profound respect for strong women and a keen interest in both Lynette DeHaviland and Sigfrida von Roehm. The former, she has met at diplomatic events that both houses attended. The latter, being a von Roehm, she has yet to meet, but gossip of her exploits has reached even Wyndham and Edana greatly enjoys hearing of them.

About Your Character:
Growing up in the Wyndham household, two things quickly clear to the Grand Duke and Duchess. One, their firstborn absorbed knowledge like a desert absorbed rain, her thirst for more unquenchable even with the expansive libraries and teachers at their exposal. Two, quiet and reserved were not quite the right words to describe her. It was hard to pin down, but there was something particularly non-Wyndham about her demeanor. She could be both of those, certainly, but she could also be the life of the party, loud, and boisterous. The only thing they rarely saw her be was openly aggressive.

Of course, while her academic prowess and intellect bought her much leeway, it was not without consequences. The brunt of which was felt not by Edana herself, but her younger brother, Owain. Even with mannerisms unbefitting of the Wyndham house, Edana was a golden child, raising great expectations for the Duke's firstborn son. The older they got and the more sharp insights the eldest daughter provided, the harder it became for Owain to measure up. At the time, Edana failed to take an interest in his struggle, something she has since regretted. She has always doted on Cecilia, but had she realized just how dear her brother was to her before he seemingly gave up trying, she might have been able to help maneuver things more in his favor.

Her interest in others only started when she was grown enough to feel and understand a wide variety of emotions. Until then, she was an arrogant child who believed he and all others who fell short simply weren't trying hard enough. It was only in her later teens, when she began delving into the teachings of The Maker and studying under a clever cardinal in her home territory, that she saw her arrogance for what it was. She had always been looking down on those around her, family and peers included. In a way, it was she, not her brother, who had been taking her duties too lightly. She had simply been going through the motions, too clever and too good an actress to get caught out. In the truest sense of the word, all her actions had been half-hearted.

This shameful realization brought about a subtle change, not so much in her mannerism as in the sincerity with which she dealt with things. Her family could tell she had changed, but not exactly how. It was clear, however, that she was slowly positioning Cecilia to be the center of public events so she could work from the shadows, even as her efforts for the people increased tremendously. In truth, Edana saw Cecilia as the Wyndham child most fitting to be the heir apparent, and began enforcing this view within the domain.

She would have tried to fix her relationship with Owain at this point, if not for the fact that that's when the betrothals started.

Apparently, her parents saw her change as a sign of maturity and set out to find her a suitable husband. To say this didn't sit well with Edana would be putting it mildly. In her mind, she had many more important things to do, and she would only be held back if she was under the thumb of a man. Her first suitor might have been a good fit, Edana would later admit, but she drove him off. In a way that would never lead back to her, of course. This started a string of betrothals that she broke off one after another.

One eloped with the illegitimate daughter of a viscount, with a heavy purse of coins and the promise that they would never want for anything. One was caught in a very compromising position with another man, at an event so public sweeping it under the rug was impossible.  One renounced his title to join The Faithful, having mysteriously both found faith and a fear of women so profound he declared he could never marry. One married into a wealthy merchant family, with Edana having learned of his household's struggling financial situation and 'innocently' made the introductions. And yet another became betrothed to Yyvane Liddel instead and died a mysterious death.

As her failed engagements increased and rumors started spreading, the Grand Duke and Duchess reluctantly stopped finding suitors. Thinking they had finally given up, Edana comfortably settled into the role she had made for herself as a single lady of the court with enough social pull to move trends and orchestrate events. Not of the kind her family organized, but between people. Matchmaking, the forming, and breaking, of alliances, all manners of things had her subtle fingerprint on them.

Despite having her finger on the pulse of noble society, her parents' announcement that she and Cecilia would be traveling to Rosemont to find a spouse, by orders of King Stephan himself, came as a complete surprise. It was a good thing they delivered the news in their private quarters, for in a rare show of temper, Edana had icily declared that if the king was so keen to see her wed, he could marry her himself. The insult to the throne saw her severely punished, and so Edana's participation at Rosemont was slightly delayed.

She only calmed down on her journey there, as she began plotting ways to get out of her predicament. She also vowed to make sure her siblings would end up with suitors truly deserving of them.

House Wyndham oversees the Duchy of Caromont, a high mountainous region on the northern edge of the Kingdom. Also known as the Singing Mountains, Caromont stretches across the land with sharp cliffs on the northern borders making an approach from the sea nearly impossible. They overlook the Great Forest to the south, the Western Shore (to the west), and the Lowlands to the southeast.

The Singing Mountains are rich in mineral wealth and supply most of the ore and gems for the kingdom not sourced abroad. Game and agriculture are present, but sparse with much of their food stores imported from the eastern lowlands and western coast. There are two main roads to the Wyndham Keep, one from the west and one from the east, with only steep trails up from the south and even steeper trails up and over to the northern cliffs.

The Wyndham colors are white and blue and their crest features an owl bearing a royal decree alight above a mountain peak, with an acorn of wisdom dropped below to take root.  Their motto is 'Upeard Almægen Efennes', Above All Fairness.  The motto is often spoken with a pause, Upeard Almægen (Above All), followed by Efennes, a word that also means equity and justice.
