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Welcome to Rosemont: Lords and Ladies

21:30, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lady Suzanna Zephora Borgaza

Gender: Female
Age: 21
Hair: Natural light brown which, depending on the light, sometimes seems almost reddish. Suzanna also enjoys dying her hair whenever she can get away with it.
Eyes: Hazel with a mix of green in them.
Distinguishing Marks: A nasty scar on the inner side of her right thigh and, from time to time, her dyed hair.

General Appearance: A rather tall woman, Suzanna stands at a solid height of 5'7. She has long, a bit wavy, waist-length, light brown hair which, depending on the light, might appear reddish in nature. Suzanna usually keeps her hair down, letting it cascade down her back and front, complementing it at the top with a small, delicate braid on each side of her head. She has a light complexion which matches her hazel-green eyes perfectly.

She has delicate features and a thin, elegant nose and high cheekbones. Despite her aristocratic upbringing, her expression has none of the austere traits one might expect and she's often described as a kind-looking woman.

Unlike many of her family, which as a result of life at sea are often sturdier, Suzanna has a delicate figure, barely possessing any muscle whatsoever. She has a bit of fat in the right places and looks far from unhealthy but it is obvious she is not built for hard labour or physically draining activities, be it dancing or jogging.


Personality: Often described as a "problem child", Suzanna is above all else a kind if a bit progressive woman. Despite being born to one of the noble houses, Suzanna never really fit into the expectations that were placed upon her. She didn't so much as mind the dresses as long as they allowed her to roam and run freely.

Following in line with the Borgaza blood coursing through her, Suzanna enjoys being at sea. However, she has it a little easier than her relatives, not minding prolonged stays inland as long as she can be near water, be it rivers, lakes or ponds. She greatly enjoys being inside water.

Just as friendly as she is kind, Suzanna has no difficulty, or shame, in starting conversations with others. Much like others in her family, she can be quite excitable and perhaps even louder than most, especially when discussing topics she's passionate about. Suzanna is not shy nor is she afraid to speak her mind. Unlike her brother who often played physical pranks, Suzanna's traits that led her to be described as a "problem child" come from her views and interests combined with her loose tongue.

Not exactly an anarchist, she believes the societal structure of the country is wrong and blood should not dictate one's standing among their peers. As a result, she sees herself at the same level as everyone else. Naturally, given the repercussions such thoughts could bring, this is not something she talks about openly. Adding a bit of insult to an already deep injury, she does not agree with the teachings of the church, believing instead in a much more freeing religion.

Suzanna is an avid fan of theatre and reading. She does not care for stories of chivalry and romance and would much rather read philosophy and poetry of more taboo ideas. Additionally, her passion for theatre goes beyond watching it as she takes a more active role in the art, writing as well as performing in plays, both of which are done in secret considering the topics her works usually explore.

She's quite fond of marine animals as well as a bit of chemistry, though she is far from an expert on either subject. As a result of a riding accident in her youth, she is terrified of horses and will do everything in her power to not ride one.

Sexual Preferences: Lesbian



The region under the rule of House Borgaza, a peninsula located in the most southern part of Breiton, protrudes like a trident into the vast and tempestuous seas that surround it. The landmass is rugged and mountainous, with jagged peaks and deep valleys carving through the landscape. It is crisscrossed by fast-flowing rivers and dotted with sprawling forests, rolling hills, and vast plains.

Despite their differences, the three arms of the Trident Peninsula share a common thread of seafaring and maritime trade, with bustling ports and harbours dotting the coastline. The people of Trinacria are known for their love of the sea and their intrepid spirit, venturing out into the unknown in search of new lands, new riches, and new adventures; and all of them united beneath the banner of House Borgaza.

A rowdy and excitable bunch, the Borgaza's are commanders of The Crown's naval forces and in general are charged with shipping cargo. The sea is in their blood, they don't enjoy being on land for too long. They have the best relationship with House Von Roehm and don't mind House Liddel. House Borgaza tolerates House Wyndham and they think House DeHaviland to be stuck up and snooty.

Suzanna is the eldest daughter of Marquessa Esperanza Borgaza and Marquess Juan Borgaza. She is Grand Duchess Mariela Borgaza's niece and Manuel Borgaza's older sister. Both Dante and Isabella are Suzanna's cousins.