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Welcome to Shadow of the East (MERP)

20:42, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Elly Shae

Appearance & Background:
Elly, seemingly in her early 20s, has grown up to be a ‘man-sized’ female, 150lb, standing 5’10” tall with a square jaw that would make a mayor proud. As a child she was often told off as her dollies were always fighting. Her closest friend, Hella, had a dolly with red hair, like Elly’s mother, and she’d wait patiently to make Elly’s dollies better. Elly has her human mother’s blue eyes & her father’s fair, unruly hair. She keeps it cropped short. Her sun-tanned skin is testament to the time she spends searching for herbs. She always wanted to be like her father, ‘Da’, an elven warrior stationed in Arthedain. He taught her how to control her body and her emotions, loving that she was so eager but also to lessen the likelihood of her again cracking open another child’s head.

Elly lives on a farm not far from the Shire. It’s run by her Ma and two uncles. The farm produces mixed vegetables and has been slowly growing a side-line in horse flesh. Grandma still holds court from her chair in the farmhouse’s kitchen and directs the activities of her little clan. Ma spends most of her time tending herbs, caring medically for the horses and occasionally fixing up town folk.

Elly’s Da met her Ma when visiting is search of aid for his horse. Despite the age difference, he being many times her age, he was immediately smitten and spent nearly a decade in courtship before her parents consented to their marriage.  Now in the twilight of his years well beyond beyond the normal service age even for Numenorians, Ally’s Da, a master armourer, now happily occupies the farmhouse’s smithy the barn busying himself making horseshoes and such.

Hella, aged seven, was struck low by an unnamed malady. Elly’s parents searched far away hilltops for remedial herbs to help but returned to find Hella had succumbed to the disease. Elly had stayed with her friend right until the end; Hella’s parents peeling her away when it was clear that Hella would not be waking again. From that day on Elly became ever serious and hung on every word and lesson on herbs and healing offered by her ‘Ma’.

Years of training afoot and on horse turned the girl into a warrior, grown equal in size to her father, and her manner tempered by his knightly values. Good with sword and ‘board’ Elly is accepted as a reliable defender of the Shire & its surrounds, dedicated to its protection and the preservation of Arnor. The young woman, ever serious but with a goodly nature, works hard at all things but mostly spending every spare drop of daylight focused searching for herbs of healing.

On patrol Elly wears her plate armour under a warm but faded cloak worn over her backpack.
Composite bow, broadsword, shortsword and shield complete her accoutrements.