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Welcome to Shadow of the East (MERP)

23:37, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ayleth Partino

Ayleth appears to be in her early thirties, with short, tousled auburn hair that hints at her disheveled state. Dark circles under her eyes indicate her consistent lack of sleep and constant worry. Her fair complexion has lost its natural radiance due to long days spent indoors and the stress of her responsibilities. She is of average height (5'5) and has a slightly hunched posture from years of pouring over tomes in search of answers.

Her clothing is plain but well-kept, consisting of a simple black robe adorned with symbols of her religious order. The robe is patched in places, indicating it has seen its fair share of wear and tear. She wears a pendant bearing the symbol of her faith, a small, delicate silver amulet, and often clutches it nervously when feeling overwhelmed. Apart from her religious pendant, she carries a small leather-bound book, her treasured journal, where she meticulously records her thoughts, reflections, and the events of her journey. Inside a leather pouch, she keeps dried herbs and small trinkets, which she uses for healing and rituals.

Anyone who travels with Ayleth will quickly learn about her aversion to violence and conflict, preferring peaceful solutions whenever possible. The burden of aiding those in need weighs on her heavily, and she often feels inadequate in the face of so much suffering. Despite her insecurities, she holds a strong affinity for her work, claiming it to be the path she was meant to travel...