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Welcome to Shadow of the East (MERP)

20:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Background: Galen was a Silvan Elf who hails from the Woodland Realm of Northern Mirkwood.  Just 80 years old, he was not yet full-grown and remained behind when the Elven host marched on Erebor, but his restless nature and natural curiosity led to him joining up with a group of dwarves who were traveling back to the Blue Mountains.

Together they crossed the High Pass and followed the East Road as far Bree before parting ways. While the dwarves continued west, Galen turned south onto the Greenway and planned to visit Eregion and explore the ancient Elven ruins before returning home.

Appearance: A little over 6' tall with sandy coloured hair and green eyes, Galen was generally friendly and open to other races and cultures, but he was still young and had a tendency to be impulsive.

He wore a rigid leather jerkin, leggings, soft leather boots, metal helm, and a grey hooded cloak fastened with a star-shaped brooch. A short sword hung from his belt, and he carried a short bow with a quiver of arrows slung over his shoulder, and a shield on his back.

Galen died in Hollin while helping his comrades rescue some warriors of Rohan captured by goblins in the foothills of the Misty Mountains.