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Welcome to New Genesis

18:10, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Io

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demisexual

Profession: Musician

Type of Variation/Abilities: Echo

Appearance: If you asked Io what she looked like, she would not be able to tell you. She had never seen herself. Being born completely blind, her eyes are mostly kept closed, or covered with a blindfold, but when she opens them, a milky white film can be seen over what were supposed to be brown eyes. She has lightly tanned skin, a slightly wider nose, and full lips, set on a pleasantly oval face, topped with a shoulder-length tumble of windswept brown curls.

Standing at 5'5", her form is lithe, perhaps a bit on the thin side, and obviously not toned from any sort of combat or hard work, likely due to her inability to see.

She prefers wearing non-restraining clothing, practical, yet most often a hit or miss with the color combination, for obvious reasons.

Io also seems to naturally carry the scent of summer. Or, at least, what summer used to be, before the monsters came. Something associating one with the scent of swaying wheat, water carried in a clay pot, cricket song, afternoon naps in the shade, and bare feet on the warm grass.

Personality: Now, here, should you ask Io what she is like, she can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that she is downright blessed. Perhaps one would not conclude that, due to her inability to see, and the fact that she spent most of her life living in the Underground, Io is just happy as a clam. Friendly, lighthearted, and imaginative, she seems to have an endless source of positivity and humor. She laughs openly, loudly, and contagiously, and always somehow seems to be able to read people, regardless of what they are, despite the fact that she cannot see them at all.

She has a soft spot for the unfortunate souls that find their way to the Underground, and does her best to make them feel welcome and at home.


Musician - Io was born with one sense lacking, but her variation - when it had developed - blessed another with enhancement beyond human capabilities. Io possesses a unique ability to hear and tune into what she calls "the song the world makes". She can literally hear music in everything. People, rocks, grass, animals, the weather overhead... Everything one can perceive with their eyes, Io can "hear" through the unique tune they all release, rhythmical and distinct. She can even tell people's moods just by listening in a bit more carefully.

Alongside that, she carries an instrument called a kantele, which is most likely enchanted, because she can produce music on it in great variation, though most of them are similar to the sound of a guitar, lyre, or even a piano. Sometimes even making it sound like multiple instruments are playing at the same time. If she gets a bow made, she could draw out the sound of a violin or a cello as well.

Echolocation - Via short, sharp clicks she can make with her mouth, Io has developed the ability to roughly echolocate, which helps her move around quite a lot. The sound returns a rough estimate of any objects set in her "peripheral vision" area, to about 10 ft away. She can get a sense of how big and far away they are and if they are stationary or moving.

Mild Atmokinesis - Her variation also granted her control over the air on a very basic level. (Odds are she would be able to use it more, if she had someone to teach her how.) So far, she can make herself float a few feet off the ground, push small and light objects out of the way, create air pockets, and call warm or cold breezes.


Blindness - Though Io can manage simple tasks, like navigating the area she's familiar with and not bumping into things, she is still very much unable to see. If left in an unfamiliar area, she can easily become lost and it would take her a very long time to find her way out. time which she usually doesn't have. She also has a difficult time following people in crowded areas, so she seeks out a hand to hold, because her echolocation fails when it reflects off of too many things at once.

Injury-prone - Seriously, the number of times she misstepped and fell into various things...

History: There is not much to tell about Io. She was found by Katelyn and Doc, up in the Life Decks, tucked away and curled up under a tree. She knew her name was "Ione", and had no idea where she came from, nor where she was, but she kept repeating "bad man" and "mommy gone", and it appeared that she was left here alone. It didn't take long for Doc and Kat to conclude that this toddler's likely only remaining parent was taken away by the people hunting Variations, and left her there, as she displayed no Variation of her own. That, or her mother knew she was being hunted, and she had managed to hide her child, before she was arrested.

Even though, through Kat's best efforts, they have made no progress in locating any of the little girl's family, Ione - now affectionately shortened to "Io" - ended up staying with them, finding two new parent figures in the duo that found her.

Since then, she had spent her time living in the Underground, rarely venturing up and never going alone. She lives in a small room, set on the opposite side of Doc's, because she has taken to help him around the clinic here and there.

Other Information: Despite knowing it's dangerous for her, she does so love to talk someone into helping her sneak out and venture up to the Life Decks every now and then. She claims that the trees and plants make the "most beautiful music" and that she could spend hours there, just lying in the grass in silence.

Doc tried to heal the blindness, but had not managed to make any difference, which most likely means that the blindness was caused by her Variation, and not by a medical condition.