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Welcome to Lancer: Starry Skies

16:35, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Werner Steinn

Holding a PhD in Geology, Beam Physics, and Engineering, Werner could easily lead a comfortable life with any Research and Development group.  Instead he decided to get himself licensed as a mech pilot and got to work tinkering with his licensed frames.  After all, knowledge should be applied practically; and demolitions is half of engineering.  As Werner would say.

He is a middle-aged man in good condition with salt-and-pepper hair and beard.  Werner stands at average height and has a stocky frame.  He typically wears a mobility Hardsuit in the field, and it is well known that he always seems to have Thermite charges on hand.

Taking the Call Sign of Fossil, Werner has a penchant for personalizing his frames with the appearance of various extinct creatures.  Werner's current frame is a custom Harrison Arms Sherman that he named his Novel Theory; he tinkered with his license and had the printer produce a frame that functions in every way like a standard Sherman but has the appearance of a bipedal Ornithiscian equipped with a heavy laser cannon mounted to its back and a mech-sized RPG in its forward arms.

Outside of his mech, Werner wears a utilitarian Mobility Hardsuit.  He carries tools, explosives, and occasionally medical equipment; alongside a small energy pistol and a massive energy RPG.  The hardsuit's capabilities allow 3-dimensional movement in any environment and is faster than most other such suits, but lacks in he sheer resilience of more armored suits.